Team Infinity adds 2 new players and one leaving

image: 48

Lukos & Waste is joining the team
We have faith that they will soon become a solid part of the team and wish them good luck

Wormie part ways
After playing with Wormie for a long time we are sad that we had to throw him out of the team,since he is without doubt a good player. The reason is that he simply didn't
fit socially with the rest of the team.

We wish Wormie good luck in the future both IRL and in gaming.

Also bamZe, our solid infantry player from ET, will be playing less in the coming months because of his current job situation.

New lineup[/b]]

Denmark bamZe
Denmark vimar
Denmark PHaze
Denmark Katarn
Denmark fiskEn
Netherlands Lukos
Netherlands Waste

/Team Infinity out :) (News) (Interview)
Veel geluk en plezier jongens!
After playing with Wormie for a long time we are sad that we had to throw him out of the team,since he is without doubt a good player.

sry :)
GL... unfortunately that you guys go from an all Danish lineup to a European lineup :-/
Well, we had to. The few skilled qw players in Denmark are already in clans (dignitas,4k,infinity). The scene is very small in Denmark (not just denmark im afraid).
Tell me something I don't know ;)

The ET community has been dead since 2005.
Mhhm. ET and qw are pretty far from eachother. So that the ET community died shouldnt have anything to do with qw. The qw community is just very small and probably wont get better in DK any time soon.
Well, tbh ETQW has attracted some ET players, and if that playerbase in DK was/is not big... there wont be many from that community to switch, simple as :)
The ET community has been dead since 2005. <-- not allowed bash like that. ;-)
Clearly I was referring to the Danish ET community, which has been dead since 2005.
bamZe is pwn.
gl guys ^^
GL sletjes. no more dutch ETQW team :sadpanda:
Gl rødgrødmedfløde
ga jij nou maar een keer een egt spel spelen :<

Deze kost nog maar 15 euro :P
bamze is a fag and should die but ....

i love him <33
gl bamze!
GL Alan Carr!
gl waste & lukos
und was is mit dir? :(
mich mag keiner T_T
ja das hatten wir schon, mich mag auch keiner und trotzdem find ich immer n team, du musst einfach agressiver vorgehen!
cu next tuesday infinity :)

miss wormies hog now already!

gl @ EC and all other competitions
gl Stephan
frijec > all

I personally never liked team infinity because wormie seemed to be a really rude person, but i suppose dragging a whole team down because of the things one person does isn't right, so gl with your new players.

waste had his outcomin last week...
be aware on lan...
gl lukos
fisken <3
Is it just me or isnt vimar that gay guy from cdc?

Held og lykke med holdet homies :D
have fun lukos and waste :)
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