MYM.cod4 'Calling 4 Duty'

Today MYM have ventured into the realms of Call of Duty 4 and have picked up the young and consistant TLR boys. With the earlier announcement of MYM shutting down their CS:S section they have decided to focus on Call of Duty 4.

The new MYM.CoD4 line up is as follows:

United Kingdom Morg (manager)
United Kingdom LoOkzor (captain)
United Kingdom SoCLoN
United Kingdom D1ablo
United Kingdom Mark
United Kingdom Stat

Statement LoOkzor: “Firstly I would like to say thanks to MYM for taking an interest in Call of Duty 4 and our team. It's going to be a real honour playing under the MYM colours, and as a team we hope to really make an impact with Call of Duty 4 and show everyone that this game has the potential to be big. And with that, as a team we are the best in Europe, under the MYM brand we hope to continue our strong form which we have held recently.”

Statement Morg: “I would like to thank MYM for taking the team in, and putting faith in us to grow the MYM.cod4 name. It is a really exciting time for Call of Duty 4, with it going from strength to strength. With already over 10 big LAN events announced for the summer it’s going to be a busy time for the MYM.cod4 team. Expect to see a lot from us in the coming months and be sure to check out what we are doing on the MYM website.”

It is also currently rumoured that TLR are considering lodging an official complaint to the g7 teams, of which MYM are a part of. TLR feel that MYM have steped out of line and broken some fundamental goals which the g7 set to achieve.

These goals are:
"To promote the cooperation, amicable relations and unity of the whole esports community."

"To promote cooperation and good relations between teams, players and esports organisations."

In responce MYM Mark Peter Fries, the COO of MYM has stated:
"If a team doesn't have a player on contract in anyway and the player hasn't signed any other legal binding documents that ties his/her stay to the team, then we consider them free agents. We might add the G7 organization offers free professional binding contracts for download on their member site . In case a player or a whole team would have been under one of those contracts we would, at any time, have consulted with them first, for a transfer with or without fees, or simply have waited for their contracts to expire if negotiations for a transfer, while being under contract, would fail."

Related: MYM

Source's : MYM
you missed stat off the roster!
Ah silly me

Accidently deleted it whilst tagging them up.

nice, GL
glbut H2k would have been a better choice! (just kidding Arachon)

Nice move guys, good luck!
Very nice, good luck mates!!
They are a good bunch of lads also...

Sat oposite them at i33 with team PB

Really down to earth guys, sound cod players.

Best of luck, cant wait to see the new MYM tshirts :D
The mym shirts are so bad :( worst shirts in the cybersphere
and what do you know about fashion, goldielocks? :D
he looked pretty fashionable and ok @ cdc4 <3 !
but he looked a bit "girly" tbh :D
nice! good luck, no hard feelings that we called you randoms and all :d
familiar names
Thanks for sourcing Fnatic Trowa! You know just steal my sentence but dont source, its fine =]
ogmomg. I told you!
Nice stuff, good luck!
Looking good for cod4 in the future, now that another g7 team has picked up a cod4 side.
g7 is useless
Well done to the team for picking up contracts at MYM, its great to see another major player stepping into the Call of Duty 4 arena with so many top events coming up.

Certainly one of the most exciting teams to commentate on and watch at the moment.

Latest matches of the team on Video:
Live2Win League - Sweden Fnatic vs United Kingdom TLR - Crash
i33 Final United Kingdom Dignitas vs United Kingdom TLR - Crash
i33 Final United Kingdom Dignitas vs United Kingdom TLR - District
i33 Consilation Final Canada Evil Geniuses vs United Kingdom TLR- District

Think you'll agree they always entertain!
best of luck guys ! mark<3
Gl guys. Hope to see you winning i34!
The rumours are older than old, but awesome news! :D
Very nice news!
another mgc adds the Official Lottery Game to their squad list.
Provided you have enough competitions an element of luck is a great thing to have in a game - it adds excitement to the scene and enhances the rivalry element, making it more interesting to follow and spectate.
who said anything about it isn't exciting. maybe the randomness creates the excitement, because you never know how a match will end
The key, as I said, is to have enough competitions that even with the luck element, or whatever it is, the best teams still come out on top the most times on average. It's like any sport - football, tennis, NFL - any team can beat any other, within reason, but the teams play each other enough times in competition that the best teams end up on top.
etqw is about skill imo
you are wrong young padawan
did they write their g7 goals with only g7 teams in mind?! since who else actually uses contracts?! no-one.

"To promote cooperation and good relations between teams, players and esports organisations."

no where in this rule does it state contracts.

aside from MYM's unprofessional actions in regards to g7.. gl to the cod4 team, if i was them i would have gone too, they have cool lan tshirts
evry single serious organisation contracts their players actually, kinda funny TLR didnt do it
You don't have a clue about the eSports.
u dont have a clue about g7
Quotesince who else actually uses contracts?! no-one.

-> You have a clue about the eSports
rofl like you do =D
Pretty much every organization contracts their players. Most of the contracts wouldn't hold up in court however.
thats what i mean
Concept of the EU is that u cannot prohibit people from working, thus contracts that dont pay are worthless
cod4 is gettin really serious, first fnatic now mym...
2 weeks
good luck :)
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