sunday evening Eurocup evening

image: ecbw4

After a two day break it is now time to get back in to action with Clanbase Eurocup XVII again for tonight we have no less than three big games for you on schedule. So far we saw two expected wins by Europe KKK and by Europe FatGames and the question everyone will ask themselves is will tonight perhaps see the first few surprises?

image: game4659First off there is Europe ephix - hardboys going up against the all-finnish lineup of Finland vicious and evil. It will be clear for everyone who are the underdogs here and not many will be expecting any surprises for this match. Just a quick glance at Finland vae's roster will send shivers up any opponent's spine. Still, Europe ephix is not a team to throw the towel in without giving it their best shot and, if cought off guard, vae may even be in for a surprise on braundorf_b4.

Finland Vicious and Evil versus Europe ephix HardBoys
group Clanbase Eurocup XVII group D
admin Sweden tba
maps braundorf_b4 and radar

Finland Vicious and Evil
Finland squall
Finland Lepari
Finland Iron
Finland lettu
Finland twidi
Finland Torspo

Europe ephix HardBoys
Finland olbaa
Belgium isENxL
Belgium .X.!
Sweden nordan
Sweden slajdan
Croatia snail

I caught up with Belgium ephix`isENxL for a short preview on this match:
QuoteWell we havent played these guys before, so this match can go both ways. But in every newsitem concerning this EC, they were clear favorites and we are the clear underdogs. So we really have nothing to loose, we just play the way we want to play and we will see:) If we want to believe they will bash us on every map with 4 minutes. But if we want to believe the real cheaterbusters, we will bash them on every map within 3 minutes

Player to watch: Finland Lepari
Everyone will agree that this player is an absolute sensation to watch, not only aimwise but also in every other aspect one can think of. Surely, tonight will be no different?

image: game4671The next game see's last season's champions Germany MegaProGaming back in action for the first time. They will try to prove their new lineup is still one to reckon with as they go up against the Belgians (and dutchy!) of Belgium 8Bits. As this is the first game in what many believe to be the group of death (group A), Germany MPG will be looking to show their worth once more and get on top of things right from the start.

Germany MegaProGaming versus Belgium Team <[o]> - 8Bits
time 20:30CET
group Clanbase Eurocup XVII group A
admin Belgium CriTiK
maps braundorf_b4 and radar

Germany MegaProGaming
Germany hazer
Germany weaK
Germany drago
Latvia clown
Scotland razz
Germany butchji

Belgium Team <[o]> - 8Bits
Belgium Worm
Belgium spiROZE
Belgium zeto
Belgium jetro
Belgium Rafiki
Netherlands heyA

Latvia Clown was so friendly as to give me his thoughts for tonight:
QuoteWe've pracced enough lately, and i guess so did they. Should be a pretty interesting game if we fuck up on braundorf :)

Player to watch: Scotland razz
Although he's been back for a while now, this is basically his first offical outing of importance again and if he's still as good as he was he will be very entertaining to follow with a bag of popcorn under your arm tonight.

image: game4658Last but not least, at 11:00CET the second group D match of tonight will be played. Croatia cortana will take it up against the Poles of Poland Fear Factory. xFi. Many will see this as the most important game of the group as this may well prove to be the deciding match for the second place by the end. Croatia cortana, who only just came from a rather disappointing results versus TAG in the EMS qualifier series, will definitely try to improve their game for tonight!

Croatia cortana versus Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
time 22:00CET
group Clanbase Eurocup XVII group D
admin Portugal Candyman
maps braundorf_b4 and radar

Poland X-Fi
Poland n00n
Poland wiesiek
Poland Wrobel
Poland wiadro
Poland uf0l
Poland Fragstealer

Croatia cortana
Croatia Komar
Croatia rimi
Croatia aCozZ
Croatia gmx
Croatia calisto
Switzerland GuNnEr

For this last match I managed to have Croatia calisto give away a short preview for tonight:
QuoteI believe it could be a close match. Although we are not very confident atm due to lineup changes (aCozZ who left us but came back) in the past few weeks.

Player to watch: Croatia aCozZ
Having been headline news this past week for supposedly switching to FatGames for money, this player is now back to his roots and will be interesting to watch as he yields his riflenade together with his old teammates again tonight!

As you can see we have a very packed evening ahead of us and unfortunately you will have to make your pick as to which match you decide to watch at nine. Still I think none will be disappointed as we are definitely in for some exciting clashes.
Also, I need to apologize for the last post, I was knock-out most of the day I'm afraid :P

Good luck everyone!

edit ok 1st time i re read it so soz for everything else :D
GG at everyone and soz @ acozzrifle and snail for flag :D
Main news, good work rbnt. Happy to see TosspoT shoutcasting FF X-FI vs Cortana!
Wow:) Great work. Thanks!
snail is slovenian
second that
nema problema good luck danas
gl squall, lepari, iron, isen, .x., nordan, weak, razz, butchji, worm, spiros, jetro, rafiki, wiesiek
no gl for me, fuck you !
`perfo's cheater list announced!
gogo vae,mpg,cortana
braundorf+adlernest = best EC maps ever
adler owns, but braun sux
no frozz no win, gl all teams :)
NP FOR FF <3<3

edit: Nice post rbnt!
Well played FearFactory!
Nice to have a shoutcast in English, thanks Toss!

"Polish dynamite."
imo group B is more of the 'groups of death' then group A
congratz FF
sorry @ snail and acozz :)

hope it were ggs :P

cu tomorrow
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