Impact versus dESIRE

image: ecbw4

Whilst the last match of the first round is still to be played (Europe n1ce versus Belgium Questionable is due for thursday), we are today entering the second matchweek. Yesterday saw a strong Europe Impact side easily overcome Europe Tag with a 4-0 win. The other match was less obvious and the Dutchies of Netherlands Team CoolerMaster eventually managed to grab a win on the decider map versus the likes of Finland Incomplete!.

Today we have just one match on schedule, as the title already suggests. Let's have a look at what we can expect.

image: game4838As mentioned in the intro above, Europe Impact managed to grab an easy win over Europe Tag on braundorf_b4 and radar. Aparently replacing mAus with snoop hardly did the team any arm and yesterday they showed everyone they are still a side likely to end this EuroCup with a cup behind their names, be it either bronze, silver or even gold.
France dESIRE however, didnt do so well in the first matchweek as they lost their match versus Europe FatGames' old lineup. Although one may argue it was a close game which needed a decider to get to a winner, the result suggests that the Frenchies are hardly likely to do any harm tonight surely?

Europe Impact-gaming versus France dESIRE
group Clanbase Eurocup XVII group B
admin Sweden tba
maps adlernest and sw_goldrush_te

France dESIRE
France Bruce
France Rizzle
France Sinus
France Karnaj
France eht
Spain Weezor

Europe Impact-Gaming
Estonia Night
Estonia r3vers
Estonia reload
Germany snoop
Malta toxic
Slovenia JaKaZc

For your leisure I asked a few people for their short predictions on this one:

Quote by urtierImpact will win 4-0 (maybe 4-2, depends what jaki is going to do with the docs on Adlernest). Eventhough impact kinda sucks at the moment according to one of their Estonians, I doubt desire is an actual challenge for them.

Quote by Vaflorseems this will be an epic game. I have no idea of what the outcome will be since im an ignorant rtcwer but rbnt tells me impact will take it

Quote by unblindAs much as I'm hoping for an interesting game this one should be quite straight forward. I'd say it's got to be Impact all the way, their lineup obviously has a surplus of experience - desire really need to pull something special out of the bag to win this one!

All in all this seems to be a pretty straightforward game and no one is expecting a surprise. Eventhough adlernest is on the maplist for tonight surely Europe impact wouldnt get so sloppy as to jump off a bridge again? We'll see tonight!

Have fun!
1st :)

all my money on impact :D

You have € 7842 on gb Impact Cancel bet
Possible win: € 8077.26
While I fail to see the relevance, I agree with the sentiment (and running down the Champ d'Elysee with all the protestors shouting 'Liberte La Tibet' was certainly fun), but the flag was stretching the page, so I've changed it to a URL. Feel free to replace with a smaller flag!
'Liberte La Tibet'

Haha, I'm pretty sure they were not shouting this.
Yeah, my french is nonexistant - it was something like that. If you didn't notice, I got the street name wrong too :p

Freedom to/for Tibet in french, basically...
Thats a good deal
Easy win? Didn't you see the last epic rush by TAG on radar. Almost I'd say!
Ye,so unfortunate :(
It was epic indeed x)

Although I hoped it would be an epic win, rather than an epic fail!
den robbenoot

nice gl
Go for negative stats jaka
what a pointless statements..
Quote by Cuttys Mumwhat are you talking about?
no they're not, urtier's and unblind's are quite to the point and whatever vaflor says cant be pointless sinds it's vaflor
Is that Vaflor from natalie?!? the infamous rtcw oc finalists!??!?!
yes, and from teh uberskilled and famous RubberDuckies!
I heard -o_/ were the best team ever.
I heard that too!
i heard they totally raped some dutch team a few seasons ago and made them egoquit !
that's probably the worst lineup tbh.
probably :)
great guys tho, teh rducks!
hehe nice one urtier :-)
Desire is good team, but Impact will own them :/
Too izi with dESIRE's WH
Can someone tell me who are these guys in dESIRE team ?
PS : Why do you wrote a news about us :X
gl France Eht & hf Estonia impact
ezbash for :D

atleast I hope desire don't tweak their bots to the max
Izi bash for impact.
beat the frenchies, fuck them!
Why is ferus not in that line up I ask ye !
Because he's changed over to CSS again I tell ye!
news 0_o
you never know with cheaters
impact 4 desire 0

gL karnaj - rizzle - eht - wezor :)
nice job again rbnt
Eht dont play tonight.
gl both
I hope go out from my spawn on goldrush
biologi vaflor!!!!
gogo desire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too many walls yet again!
gl karnaj !:)
go go dESIRE :) gl guys
keep up the good work robbenootje
stfu vaf
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