Acer Challenge Announced!

image: Acer_logoCrossfire is proud to have once again partnered with WZZRD for a special international Call of Duty 4 event to be held at this years ESWC NL qualifiers. WZZRD have today announced a prizepurse of 5000 Euro for the Acer Challenge to be held in their WZZRD Game Cafe in Enschede on June 6-8.

After huge success with both last years ESWC NL and previous events with Crossfire its fantastic to have been invited to work on this latest project. As such Crossfire is proud to be home to the administration of the Call of Duty tournament and will be onsite providing tournament administration and coverage. QuadV will also be on location providing live video streaming of the tournament and ESWC NL!

To signup for the Call of Duty tournament;

Signups for ESWC NL are on a first come first serve basis meaning that the when you've paid your entrance fee you are assured the spot in the tournament. You must signup for the tournament here on Crossfire and then pay your money to WZZRD. Tournament entry is 40 Euro per player and must be paid either individually or as a team via bank transfer. The tournament will start on Friday 6th of June and finish on Sunday 8th of June.

To signup You must register your Crossfire Clan Account and mail that registration to [email protected] that completes your Crossfire reigstration. However to fulfill your registration you must then send your payment of either yourself or your team to the following Dutch Bank Account;

IBAN: NL12ABNA0514557893

Please be sure to state your team name in the payment note.

Accomodation; In Enschede there are a number of places to stay that range in both price and quality. You can book these through WZZRD at their discounted rate if you wish through their website

We request teams signup as soon as possible so that we can make any amendments to the tournament tournament structure and prizemoney should demand exceed expectation.

More info to follow in the coming days.
verii nice (: hope for some top teams
I'll be there :)
Stop deleting posts!
n1 deleting my comment tosspot. dictatorship.
a special tournament
nice one
Just to clarify for those wondering, this is a fully international team whilst yes it is at ESWC NL it is a complete seperate tournament so no ESWC rules apply.
that was what i was wondering about as well :O) but then why is it called ESWC NL?

this seems like a nice opportunity for some teams to catch some extra experience to compete at roskilde LAN and cdc5
ESWC has reginal qualifiers, they are almost every time located at any LAN events (e.g. DreamHack for swe). But the LAN event itself does not have to be region related only. This is a good example again.
bit of a low prize pot ?

or is it the same as the last 1
don't get too spoiled with events like i33 and the experience :P
u r mistaking this one with the 'devotii challenge series' this is not cdc5 this is sponsored and organised dfferently, or so i imagine
Does the highest placed NL team play at ESWC master (Ipower tournament)? Just out of curiosity!
ppl told me to come flame some newspost about a cod lan with no ET, but then I saw Acer Challenge to be held in their WZZRD Game Cafe in Enschede on June 6-8 and was liek ok.

Looking forward to the next ET lan in september.
CU U ON !!!!!!!!!!
How many members of the team have to be dutch?
no, 0 its fully international
i mean for the NL qualifier
I think he meant the ESWC tournament.
Looks a really nice lan, don't think we can attend due to exams at the same time though!
Very nice! Cya there!
got my answeres:> cu there probably
The ACER event and ESWC NL qualifier will both be held at WZZRD, Enschede at the same time. The ESWC NL qualifier is for NL teams only. The ACER event is open for all clans. That is how I understand it.
yeah but cod4 isnt even an ESWC game right.. so that isnt for COD ? or is it qualifier for the iPower eswc event, thats what i wanna know...
Wow is the community already so spoiled by big prize lans that they see 5000 euro as not worth it? Games like TF2 would give their left nut for this money.
haha yes :P
more supcom coverage plz!
ET as well ;D
I guess Quakecon has a large collection of nuts then :P
Hilton hotel... ;o
well maybe for teams from hungary and w/e it is not enough to have such big travel costs etc so 5000 total price money isnt enough then maybe, but imo (dutchies) it is a nice lan with nice pricemoney so cu there:D
hungary is uber cheap so how can it not be enough?:P
Just great news for the COD4 community!
sounds nice, shame I have exams by then :(
ESWC NL was really good fun last time, come and watch it'll be good.
to bad the ESWC NL has no CoD4 :/
n1ce! :o
u r beeing paied for asscreeping these fakkas.
Cool see you there ;)
so whats the prizes for 1/2/3?
I sended a mail to crossfire with my team registration. What we now have to do is pay €40 per player @ the bankaccount with our team in the note?
is it me or is this news hard to find on the crossfire main page o_0. It should really get a better spot so everyone can find it easier since the update.
Press is free I asume?
Any news? aint heard anything recently
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