EuroCup: sunday evening

image: ecbw4

After a brief weekend break we are getting ourselves back in to business with EuroCup XVII and in some fashion.
Tonight the second matchweek for group A will unfold and there is a very big clash on schedule between the likes of Netherlands Team CoolerMaster and Germany MegaProGaming. Furthermore we have the first outing of the new lineup of Europe FatGames which will go up against a Europe Tag.ET side which has had a harsh start to their season and who will be looking to turn things around tonight. The team certainly does not find themselves up against the easiest of opponents in their group and tonight is no different as FatGames are looking stronger than ever. Whether looks ones again prove to be deceiving we will see this evening!

image: fatgamesvstagyw0

[center]EDIT: wildcarded[/center]

time: 21:30CET
group: ClanBase EuroCup XVII group B
matchweek: 7-14 April
maps: adlernest, goldrush
shoutcast: by QuadV|TosspoT

Europe FatGames
Ireland fG - Sol
Belgium fG - mAus
Poland fG - kot
Germany fG - urtier
Poland fG - S4rna
Estonia fG - Holz

Coming in tonight as clear favorites, this evening Europe FatGames' new lineup will make it's 'debute'. Their new addition in the form of mAus will be taking buzka's spot for this game and we will just how much change this replacement will bring to their game.
The side have not had the best of starts this season as they just barely managed to grab a win against the Frenchies of France dESIRE. Taking in to account that their opponent tonight boasts considerably more experience one can only guess what we will see tonight. Europe FatGames' lineup does seem to speak for itself though and if the likes of kot, mAus and S4rna are on top of their game, surely FatGames will be grabbing their second win tonight?

Europe Tag
Netherlands Tag - Lightning
Netherlands Tag - `HOpe
Netherlands Tag - Leonneke
Belgium Tag - Overdrive
Germany Tag - zerender
United Kingdom Tag - mud1tza

Having met Europe Impact-Gaming in their first match this season, it is not very surprising that we find Tag.ET without a win on the board so far. Their first game was not pleasant as Impact with relative ease took the win on two maps.
Tonight, though, Tag will get another chance as they find themselves up against a renewed Europe FatGames side. Although a tough opponent, Tag will be thinking to themselves saying "worse than last week it won't be" and right they probably are as tonight I do indeed see a chance for them to pull off a surprise.
They come in to this game as clear underdogs and underestimation might even be on their side this evening. If Tag put their minds in to this one tonight, we may be in for a very interesting match!

Netherlands TCM|perfo's expectation:

Quoteclose one, fatgames have a very nice lineup but tag is not to be underestimated. they have the best rifle atm imo (lightning) + a few more experienced players, it will be very nice to see them put up a challenge even though i expect fatgames to win in a close game

image: tcmvsmpglp4

0 - 4

time: 21:30CET
group: ClanBase EuroCup XVII group A
matchweek: 7-14 April
maps: adlernest, goldrush
shoutcast: n/a

Netherlands Team CoolerMaster
Netherlands TCM - spho
Netherlands TCM - milk
Netherlands TCM - perfo
Netherlands TCM - modus
Netherlands TCM - mize
Netherlands TCM - fost

This Dutch team does seem to have all the ingredients for a succesful lineup but so far it unfortunately has not quite come up with the results that these ingredients are supposed to turn in to.
Just as last week, tonight they will be missing one of their key players in the form of Netherlands BuLL again and Netherlands fost, who is backup due to a lot of inactivity is acting as their sixth these two weeks.
Last week this did in fact work out as they have managed to take a win in their first match against Finland Incomplete! but tonight they find themselves up against a much tougher opponent as the germans of Germany MegaProGaming will not be satisfied with anything less than a win tonight. It remains to be seen if TCM is up for the challange of denying them...

Germany MegaProGaming
Scotland MPG - razz
Germany MPG - haZer
Germany MPG - wEAK
Germany MPG - drago
Germany MPG - butchji
Latvia MPG - Clown

Reigning champions MegaProGaming have the opportunity to assure themselves of a number one group placing tonight if they manage to grab a win on both maps. Their opponent, however, does not seem to be the kind of team that will quite easily allow them to do so. Germany MegaProGaming will find themselves up against their first real challenge tonight and will be very interesting to see how they will fare.
Last week's game versus Belgium 8Bits suggests that their new addition Scotland razz was a good one and their new lineup seems, if possible, even stronger than it was last season. This evening they will be looking to underline this feeling...

Belgium oVERLOAD|vila's prediction:
QuoteAlthough i hope to see our dutch friends from TCM win , i can't see them putting up a decent fight versus the German force. They're too strong i think so a 4-0 score for the Germans.

Germany bo's prediction:
QuoteTCM versus mPG should be a tough match. Usually mPG has to take this with ease as they are the reigning champions and did not show any weakness lately. TCM on the other side have a great lineup on paper and reading about their will to perform better than they did at CDC4 for example could just give us more hope for a hot fight tonight. Nevertheless mPG will take this - 4:2.

Have fun at all four teams and TosspoT =)
gl Polaks
voortaan je plaatjes als .png opslaan ;)
omdat je plaatjes nu iets waziger zijn^^
gL tag & mPg
lol and what is with 8bits vs incomplete ?
gl friends
well written, gl to teh teams! thx rbnt & tosspot!
nice writeup
bibuy drago
izi for tag & mpg
gl mpg & krea!
Easy for fatsos but tcm vs. mpg will be tight.
best rifle lightning *oink* :o
Belgium zeto told me their games was gonna be wildcarded on irc when i was writing this hence i didnt include Finland incomplete vs Belgium 8bits

my appologies to incomplete i cba to add it anymore now
ET is dead
image: axrvqkkg1h0sezu7b
perfect comment imo

gogo butchji and Clown!
lolol doubt there are that many servers
and 1/4th of them are polak :'(

LANS = activity
if they start shoutcasting every match from low to highskilled then it's a little bit normal that the list is so big ...
gl KOT!
TAG vs FatGames
Even that Inc and 8bits are noobs its still an EC match!
Since when is Inc and 8bits noob? lol..
Netherlands Hope

GL razz, Lightning, perfo, mize, fost, & zerender ( D: )
It was like in football. 6 good dutch individuals don't make a good team. :P
Damn changed again......
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