snoops - Kris ET Movie

A journals not good enough for the first major production of 2006! Kris (and snoop) crave their moment in the lime light. Hours of work and dedication have been put in, to not only produce a great movie, but in practicing to create some amazing frags.

This aint no NetCoders production, there be no hacking here - simply a supernatural ability to shoot the head!
image: 1115_thumb

Lengh: 12:22
Resolution: 856x480
Size: 404mb
Video Codec: x264
Audio Codec: Lame MP3 56kBit/s
Projectsize: 180GB


Click “Read More” for an in-depth review by our resident movie critic United Kingdom Max

Reviewed by -Max-

Before I watched this I decided to look back and download the trailer snoop made around October for this movie because I enjoy seeing people progress and from watching the final you can tell there are many improvements.

My first impression was that I was a little disappointed in seeing an x264 movie at such a high ratio although the quality was excellent all throughout the movie it's too high and I'm not going to bore this review with how to fix it. That's what IRC is for. :P Well when the frags started, it's obvious snoop has really good quality although the size was too high. Config was excellent and similar to my own for the most part.

The title looked pretty good with the 3D Text - much better than the typical movie title's you see on your average Enemy Territory movie. The movie now starts with an effect which looks good but looks as if it has not been keyframed very well and it appears to diminish prematurely. The purple light-ray effect looked ok on it's own but really didn't go well with the surrounding scenes, but I really liked the rising cam at the end of the first music track.

The music sounds like it does have a little potential even though it's not my own taste. However, there were a lot of syncing opportunities missed. I read some comments about there being nice syncing. This syncing was noticeable with changing scenes and some effects but not so much with actual frags, which is what I have been aiming towards myself lately. So with this unfortunate turn of events I felt like the first track came off a little flat - like it could have been any song in it's place. Hopefully I'll not dwell too much on the music in the rest of the review as it's the most debateable aspect of a movie.

The shoutcast didn't feel right, as if it was only there because of the nice slaz headshot, and it also went on way longer than it should've - about 7 or 8 seconds of black screen.

On the second track, again what I thought was a silly looking effect and it would've been much better without it. Although I quite liked the effect at the nade at around 6:06. Both the second track and the third track followed in the footsteps of the first as "replaceable" tracks. They weren't bad at all, but didn't feel important.

The effect which starts around 9:55 made me cringe. It felt like another case of putting in effects for the sake of putting in effects and it looks out of place. If snoop had left most of the effects in the movie out, it would've been a lot better.

I thought the cams came off well seeing as Radiant is a really limited program in my opinion , and I though there was good integration between cams and action throughout and I noticed a lot of the scenes seemed to just switch from one to the other which I didn't like much as I really prefer transitions.

The credits could have used more imagination. The bubble thing could have turned out interesting if snoop put more work into the text, but it just looked really plain and didn't compliment the bubble idea. I love Bruce Springsteen. :D

So, it's clear from the movie that snoop has lots of editing potential because of the improvement from the trailer which seemed a little dull to me. I look forward to his next movie. The movie convey's Kris' frags well but the execution could have been more effective. Work more with x264 and don't use VirtualDub to encode with x264.

One of the top ET movies so far this year, though.

Contact on IRC:

uv-Max- @ #ultraviolet @ Quakenet
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