ETQWPro 0.5 is live

Hey there, its me again!

Im very pleased to announce that the ETQWPro version is now live on our update servers and will get installed as soon as you start ETQWPro 0.4 the next time.

No, its not that easy but there is indeed some great change in the whole mod. While I was focusing on the whole GFX stuff to get you guys as much FPS as possible, I had blaze to work on the restrictions and NA / EU compatibility.

Blaze joined the ETQWPro team about one month ago, and I cant think of coding alone anymore.

So whats new, whats fixed where can I download it?

Update: Pub for you to test:

The complete changelog is like always in the Documents folder, I will only cover intresting stuff here.

New Features:
Basic Camtrace 3D Support see
Scandemo see
Tv Admin Portal see
Hitsounds are localized now see
ETQW will be slightly more accurate!
es_fastSalvage - Adds a new spawn to the game.
if on --> last spawn 30 /20
if off --> last spawn 30 / 15

- Fixed a bug when selfkilling in a medium vehicle, the other medium vehicle stays locked!
- Fixed the issue that you couldnt move backwards while having sprint key pressed with es_sprintstyle 1
- Fixed the Fast unscope (lean) bug. You can now do all fancy stuff @ lean, but not shoot!
- Cvar renames for Badger -> Armadillo, Goliath -> Cyclops, Hornet -> Tormentor
- Fixed that weapons got applied the wrong spread issue

New / changed Cvars:
- Reamed all cvars to es_ for server cvars, and ec_ for client side cvars
- Added es_maxMines - defaults to -1, set to the max number of mines you want to allow for a team.
- Added es_allowCrosshair3rdPerson - defaults to disabled, set to 1 for a crosshair in 3rd person view
- Added es_allowRadar - defaults to disabled, set to 1 if you want to allow radar

Nes / changed Commands:
- Added scandemo see:
- Breaking news: we can use the horn under water!
- Reworked the weapon spread (its slightly more accurate, and we support the compmod spread now as es_aimstyle 2)
- speclock - lock your team from spectators
- specunlock - unlock your team from spectators
- specinvite - invite a player to spec your team
- specuninvite - remove a player from the invite List
- players - show all players and their IDs
- freecam - gets into ct3d Freecam Mode
- setFreecamPos - sets a ct3d Camera position
- getFreecamPos - gets a ct3d Camera position
- startTvAdmin - start the TV Admin
- stopTvAdmin - stop the TV Admin

- Made g_noTVChat also clientside available
- Added viewers command to get see who is spectating with you!

You can also have a look at the wiki changes fo a complete changelog.-> Wiki


Please report bugs!

have a nice Monday
Any public server running ETQWPro 0.5 available?
Awesome! :D
looks good :)
Quote- Added viewers command to get see who is spectating with you!
OMG this is soooo lollercool!
- Breaking news: we can use the horn under water!

loool <3 <3 <3.

Stats whores ftw :D

- Added statistics to the game. Those will be displayed after each round in the console
stats <333333333
can someone do a screen how the stats look like im 2 lazy
Good Stuff.
Great job guys!
wow good job
Quote- Breaking news: we can use the horn under water!


Btw, I was wondering if SD now actually want to spend their time on creating "official" comp mod anymore :)) I'd say they can now give up making their own and help etqwpro team developing it -,- (if they aren't doing that already)
it's released :X
My understanding is ET:QW Pro incorporates/will incorporate features of SD's competition mod.
we are not working together with sd. Yet we still plan to rebuild on sd comp mod or at least adopt some features as soon as its released.
if it ever gets released :P
<3 thx for your stuff
good job, <3 qw
great job :*
Thanks hannes for this piece of shit mod
your so welcome my love.

no go study and bring me a cookie
g_drawSky not existing ?
read the changelog + wiki
lool nvm my mistake
cant do everything. this txt file just slipped through
yeah dont worry i fucked up something had still the old txts files somehow lol
Damage of sniper have been decrease ???
really nice

btw ec_fastRevive isn't client side right?
no, it should be es_fastRevive
Just came home from store with Etqw.
Nice indeed!
Gj guys <3
good work as always, tobad there are no teams to practice against tho :)
nice work guys!
Just got kicked for g_playerarrowiconsize "10"

What do I have to set it to? Yes, I'm a lazy bastard.
I'll try it later, cheers!
uh oh nice
Nice job, but since this version the game always restarts when I want to join a server even if I run it with "+set fs_game etqwpro" in target
delete old .pk4's in etqwpro folder
It's just extracted from the .zip archive, no other files.
And yes, PB is enabled
you killed me
I reinstalled the game and it works now.
way too late
Why doesn't it say stats/scores for everyone just like in ET?
to avoid i have 50dmg more than u so i am the man and u is the shizzle.
because im not 24/7 coding
I can't imagine it being much harder than coding it for just one person right?
Oki :> anyway good job on the mod
spacecommander is no more coding?
since 0.03 its more or less only me.

in 0.5 blaze joined up and is very much helping!
we DO appreciate your work be sure about it!
nice job. feels less shocking
very nice work, only why change all cvars to ec_ ? now you need to correct yoiur whole config or am i wrong?
all you have to do is search in wordpad and use replace to change the syntax from the old to ec_!
runs very very smooth for me, nice job, finally etqw feels really nice !
same here :)
gr8 job again
hm, it feels a bit smother
instead of havin 300fps like before
maus lag since this version bb qw
hannes the new bani!
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