Quadv's Monday Coverage

After a night off up at Anfield to see the mighty Liverpool pick up another needed 3 points I return back to Call of Duty 4 action for what looks to be a great week of gaming. Tonight we become e-Stalkers as Germany SK-Gaming get our full attention in back to back games for the CODQCUP and Clanbase Eurocup.

18:30 CET 14th April - SK-Gaming vs Epsilon - CODQCUP - Best of Three

Germany SK-Gaming have cruised through the tournament so far and rightly so as this is the competition that got them noticed when they won it as Germany The6Devils. They will be the favourites tonight but this is the first real challenge of the competition they will have to face.

Germany iFear
Germany fliezon
Germany Thunder
Turkey Mokai
Germany Respawn

Finland Epsilon come through to this 2nd Round Playoff match after very tricky match with Slovenia Intense which went to 3 maps. The new line-up will be fully tested though tonight as they fight for a place in round 3.

Finland id3
Finland sec
Finland DEEMI
Finland Konna
Finland plaekki

20:00 CET 14th April - SK-Gaming vs Insidiae - Clanbase EuroCup Group A - Strike, Crossfire

Germany Sk-Gaming won their first game in a demonstration of how to play Crash against Europe Team Coolermaster.EU in somewhat contriversial means. However such is life and SK-Gaming benefited with a 25-3 win. Now they will be looking to take another scalp and qualify for the knockout stage.

Germany iFear
Germany fliezon
Germany Thunder
Turkey Mokai
Germany Respawn

Finland Insidiae managed a draw 24-24 in their first Eurocup match against Italy Impact. They will need the help of their Finnish friends at Finland Epsilon to have drained them mentally before this game to have a chance at getting a win though. Germany SK-Gaming are strong online and with no-sway most likely being off Finland Insidiae's sniper best be prepared.

Finland ztk
Finland Crysti
Finland h0lic
Finland mohva
Finland ociriz

Join Deman tonight for Live Video Coverage at QuadV TV1.

Recent Video on Demand:
Multiplay Draft Finals - Kuze vs Teknitas
CODQCUP - UF Gaming vs Impact
Clanbase Eurocup - Four Kings vs Speed-Link
chelsea vs liverpool

tosspot vs deman
The CoD community/admins should decide on some sort of global config.
It's kinda annoying to play every game with other settings.
The only real differences are the AWP fix(which every league allows/forces) and CB allowing reddot(which none of the topteams use anyway and doesn't affect you unless you're a reddot hero yourself).
All in all, there's not that much difference.
Sniperfix can make hell of a difference (atleast gifty whined about that!!1)
Busy evening for SK..
Even though he's a liverpool fan, Deman is a great shoutcaster

should be good games
every league uses the scope fix except for clanbase
and Germany SK didnt agree with Europe TCM to use it

conclusion: gl gifty
SK to win this quite comfortably.
To quote ifear 'today is the worst day in our cod4 history'. :(
tell them to break up please
epsilon's new additions make their lineup rly strong on paper, their game vs intense didnt rly add up though, i wonder how they will do vs SK

btw was respawn in their team from the start? cant remember him from cdc4
I do love a good upset, gg's all!
not to brag but i was expecting this result vs epsilon tbh :P epsilon have a rly strong team, i hope they will prove themselves offline soon

what was the result for eurocup
25-15 in favor of insidiae
Not really, that was the first time SK has not managed to win crash...since they started playing CoD4 xD. It was definatly a bad day, though I agree the Epsilon team is good!
I think crash would have been very different had Thunder not being playing on such a poor fps. You could tell when I followed with the camera just how bad it was.

Nevertheless 1 player does not make a team.
gl epsilon
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