EuroCup: cortana versus vae

image: ecbw4

We've had a very easy-going start for this week's EuroCup action which has much to do with teams taking full advantage of their wildcard-option; often much to the annoyance of their opponents...
Yesterday was no different as Belgium OVERLOAd for the second time this season found themselves disappointed shortly before the match would have to be played.
Hopefully tonight will be different though, as again there is only one match on schedule as we have the Finns of Finland Vicious and Evil taking it up against Croatia Cortana.

Both teams arguably have had a disappointing start of their seasons, one more than the other perhaps. However there is all still to play for in group D as all four teams still have their shot at the playoffs, needless to say tonight will be another important match.

image: vaevscortanats0

Group D has probably seen the most surprising situation we've had this season so far as Poland FearFactory X-Fi have kicked things off looking stronger than ever. They have now played two out of three matches winning both with great ease. The team has basically already qualified itself for the playoffs and will most likely come first out of the group as surely, when they sweep Finland vae aside quite so easily, they will have no problem to win their last match either?

That would leave the other three teams left to fight for that much desired second doorway to the playoffs. Finland Vicious and Evil at first were seen as one of the favorites for this season's title but we now find ourselves in a rather contrasting scenario as the Finns will have to fight to even get out of the groupstages. Still theír chances arent looking bad as they have already won their first match against the likes of Europe ephix. If they can pull off a win tonight (and surely this lineup should definitely be able to?) the team has practically ensured itself of a place in the playoffs, assuming FearFactory will continue their succes to win their match versus ephix.

Croatia Cortana on the other side have had a few disappointments earlier on this season losing a match in both the ESL EMS qualifiers as well as their first EuroCup match. Still things are far from decided yet as there is still a window of opportunity for them to get in to the playoffs.
The Croats have won their ESL qualifier game versus Europe ephix so in theory they should be able to do the same for the EuroCup. Would they then win their match tonight versus Finland vae, they would then be the second team from group D to enter the playoffs.

Summing things up group D is still open for everything to happen and tonight will most likely be the decisive match.

time: 21:30
group: ClanBase EuroCup group D
matchweek: 14-21 April

Croatia Cortana
Croatia Cortana - rimi
Croatia Cortana - aCoZz
Croatia Cortana - Komar
Croatia Cortana - gmx
Croatia Cortana - calisto
Switzerland Cortana - GuNnEr

Finland Vicious and Evil
Finland vae - torspo
Finland vae - squall
Finland vae - Iron
Finland vae - twidi
Finland vae - lettu
Finland vae - Lepari

To round up with, I asked a few people what they think is going to happen this evening:

Quote by uNkind - hentaiI'm personally a big fan of both cortana and vae, having played under both clannames myself! I respect both teams greatly for their stability and teamplay, but unfortunately, i think vae will take this. Cortana seem to have been on a bad streak recently with losses to both TAG and FF, whilst vae have been slightly stronger, despite a loss to FF also. v&e are likely to outaim cortana, but it wouldn't be a surprise to anyone if cortana do pull something out of the bag. 4-2 to vae.

Quote by OVERLOAd - MatiasHmm, hard one. I think the game will be very tight and amazing to watch. Both teams have played together for a pretty long time and got perfect teamwork, vae has stronger aimers though. I predict 4-2 score for vae, adler as decider and lepari wins the game!

Quote by uNkind - eVoI'd say that this is going to be a close match, to be honest Cortana have surprised me in this EC, i predicted a top 5 finish for them since i felt they had a lot of potential and in practice they seemed very strong, maybe not an allstar team of aimers but certainly they posess good team play and komar is just the most annoying rifle ever rly. As for VAE they have the potential to be the best, certainly they have a lineup full of stars so on paper they could be a lot stronger but again they have underperformed so far. It's a clash of the underachievers :D nonetheless unless cortana really shape up i can only see a 4:0 for VAE, squall will be a dmg machine, twidi will own, lepari will med whore and torspo will back rape :D should be a fun game

Good luck to both sides!
lol evo they lost 4 - 0 vs tag:s
TAG are/were a respectable team with very good spam and teamplay, and some pretty decent aim on their day. Nothing wrong with losing to them tbh..
i wasn't being offensive against tag, this match wont be even close probably rape from vae side
We played cortana without aCoZz and I think he really makes a difference. I would say it could go either way depending on how they're playing tonight.
Even though I think VAE is the favorite for this one..
well before i rly thought cortana would be strong in this EC, i was wrong it seems
shut up you cunt ! ;)

Quotefrom cro|gumi, to pro|gumi !
i smell hate
Easy for v&e : /
go cortana ! =)
izi for vae... bb Croatia noobs... see ya @ next EC!
easy for vä
what is the line-up from overload? is that the team with m1lk and modus?
no...overload is edit

milk, modus etc. --> TCM
are they too lazy to change clanname @ clanbase?
i'm supposed to know that how exactly? :D
we cant because we have no trustee :d
.png nu :D
GO GO CROTARDS + gunner the skillet
vae r nubs
go cortana
Why are we not boycotting FF?
Kick gnajda out please.
Kick gnajda out please.
Kick gnajda out please.
Kick gnajda out please.
Kick gnajda out please.
Kick gnajda out please.
Kick gnajda out please.
Kick gnajda out please.
Kick gnajda out please.
who the fuck is gnajda?
I don't like Sol.

image: mztik
I don't like Sol.
Me neither.
Totally agree
so speaking the truth!
Sol shreds my replies like Grim Reaper himself.
How long was the chain?
~20 I think.
sol has stolen your money.
vae will take it.
lepari = win
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