diablo Has bo0bs calls its day

image: dhb

The reason i post this as a news item is because i personally think it's worth it. Diablo Has bo0bs has been around since the beginning of Enemy Territory, so in my eyes they deserve a great goodbye. I wish all of you guys many luck in the future, and hope to see you guys around sometime!

Ronners statement:

After a long time of growing inactivity, line-up probs and what not... I've decided to throw the towel into the ring and call it a day for dHb.

dHb started of as the noobs of noobs with AtotheK and myself, back in december 2003. From there we've grown into a known factor within the ET scene where we were a group that stuck together with the members we had. However unfortunate and with a sadness within me, I have to confirm that this group is no longer...

All respect goes to those that served alongside of me and to all the opponents we've played within the last couple of years. It was fun...

the oldskool

Netherlands Ronner (CL)
Netherlands AtotheK (co-founder)
Netherlands Neglect / Taurus (my ever dying <3 to u)
Netherlands Heineken
Netherlands Blizzard
Netherlands Aequitas
Netherlands Riv0
Netherlands Maverick
Netherlands GulpenRevenge
Netherlands Outlaw
Netherlands Option
Poland Sinuss
Netherlands DmasterX
Netherlands Bah!!!
Netherlands ChosenOne <3
Netherlands Erwinner
Netherlands R()b
Netherlands Frnz

The others

Netherlands Nijmege
Netherlands DKill
Netherlands AzA
Netherlands Mize
Netherlands Fost
Netherlands Swas / Keo
Netherlands St1mpy
Netherlands Robbenoot
Netherlands Faust
Belgium Dentom
Belgium Apex
Belgium Overdrive
United Kingdom TosspoT
Netherlands Zenix
Netherlands Mazz
Netherlands BuzZz
Netherlands Rezta
Netherlands Horu$
Netherlands PLU172
Netherlands N30
Netherlands Risk
Netherlands Veritas

See you in a next episode.....................

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