EuroCup: OVERLOAd beats Kirwa

image: ecbw4

OVERLOAd 4 : 0 Kirwa

I don't know about where you guys are, but down here the weather just keeps getting better and better and my regret for promising I'd cover the entire EuroCup on crossfire keeps getting bigger and bigger =). No time for whining though, tonight there is another big game on schedule in the form of Belgium OVERLOAd versus Europe Kirwa as well as a second game for group D.

Yesterday Germany MegaProGaming once again proved too strong for their opponents as they made Finland Incomplete! bow out of the season with a 4-0 loss. This means that we now have our first finished group, namely A. MPG have very easily and convincingly made their way through the groupstage winning all of their games without losing a single round. Second through came Netherlands Team CoolerMaster who were significantly less convincing as they won only played two matches (Europe 8bits unfortunately had to fold from the EuroCup) and won only one of those two.
They will be back in the playoffs nonetheless though and perhaps they will be able to improve their game before their time comes again.

Concentrating on tonight again, as said there are two games on schedule; Belgium OVERLOAd versus Europe Kirwa Kirwanderin Kirwurit definitely being the match of the evening, and Europe ephix hardboys, who have quite some catching up to do, will be playing versus Poland Fear-Factory Xfi.

image: kkkvsoverloadcv3

time: 21:00CET
group: ClanBase EuroCup group C
matchweek: 14-21 April
maps: supplydepot, bremen

Europe Kirwa Kirwanderin Kirwurit
England Kirwa - Mztik
Finland Kirwa - Tiigeri
Netherlands Kirwa - Azatej
Netherlands Kirwa - TeKoa
Finland Kirwa - Xpaz
Finland Kirwa - Jauhis

Belgium OVERLOAd X-Ray
Belgium OVERLOAd - Kevin
Belgium OVERLOAd - vila
Belgium OVERLOAd - lioco
Belgium OVERLOAd - acid
Finland OVERLOAd - Matias
England OVERLOAd - Sheep

Belgium OVERLOAd, silver medalists of last season have been looking very strong so far this season taking very easy points over both highBot and n1ce. The fact that their lineup looks slightly different than it did last season has proved to work in their advantage rather than against them and to me, they have so far shown they are definitely up for the challenge of going all the way this time round.
The team has had quite a long break now though not having played a single EuroCup match since the tenth which is kind of a long time. The question is whether they have been able to keep on practicing properly in the mean time?

Europe Kirwa on the other hand had their last game on April the fourteenth where they took a comfortable win against Europe n1ce. The allstar team has however known some disappointment as they lost a round already against Germany highBot. When looking at their lineup one would assume that surely this team can get the better of any opponent? Tonight is the sort of challenge they need to prove these assumptions right.

image: ffvsephixyb0

[center]:EDIT: FF 0 - 4 ephix[/center]

time: 21:30CET
group: ClanBase EuroCup group D
matchweek: 14-21 April
maps: supplydepot, bremen
shoutcast: Poland HeadShot - bandiT

Europe HardBoys ephix.ET
Sweden ephix - slajdan
Sweden ephix - nordan
Finland ephix - olBaa
Belgium ephix - .X.!
Belgium ephix - isENxL
Slovenia ephix - snail

Poland FearFactory X-Fi
Poland FF - Fragstealer
Poland FF - Wrobel
Poland FF - s0me
Poland FF - r1co
Poland FF - wiadro
Poland FF - uf0l

Although overshadowed by the game above, this match shouldn't be underestimated. Group D is still not completely decided and Europe ephix still can have their shot at the playoffs. They do, however, need to win their game tonight. Under normal circumstanced I would have probably given them a very good chance to do so, but seeing as Poland FearFactory have been in a very fine form lately, and mister Belgium .X.! who will be playing again tonight is experiencing a lot of problems with his pc.
Other than all that Poland FF certainly isn't a team you want to meet at the moment if you have to take a win. Surely, the Poles will take their third 4-0 win tonight?

Quote by WrobelAfter two games Fear Factory X-Fi is in the playoffs. That's something that really suprised me.. Tonight we play our third and last match for the groupstage againts Netherlands ephix. I don't know them, but obviously they are amongst ET's best 16 teams right now so they can't be low. I can promise we will do our best and after epic fail on bremen we'll beat them in decider ! GL for ephix and na berzie pidars ! Oh and I will be engi on supply depot defence so you can see 321312312 cheating nades :)

Quote by isENxLI think FF is the strongest team in this poule, it will not be a surprise if they beat us 4-0. We on the other hand have to win 4-0 to make a chance of getting into the next round, we didn't get any preparation for this game because since our last EC game vs vae, there were allways things popping up which didn't allow us to prepare for this game. I don't expect too many problems for FF, but I hope it will be a pleasant game for both sides.

A lot to look out for tonight all in all and I wish all four team good luck!
overload imo! gl
nordan slajdan snail

gl owners
Easy for FF but KKK vs. Overload might get interesting. GL!
thanx for putting so much effort in this rbnt :!
who leaked our line up for tonight?!?!
I'm sorry I did that :x They gave me naked pictures for it !
overload will take it !
gl both teams :)
nice not favouring us razz.
have friends in both teams =(
oh gee, tnx razz <3
Nice to Sheep back :)
nice writeup
If we win I will laugh.
Would be shame if you dont with that line up.
Would be a shame if we did with the amount of practice we've had!
Oh i read mystic, so dont mind !
dont open that excuse.txt that often :-)
what makes you think we were active, always trying to put yourself in the underdog position while you know better
I'm pretty sure you're more active than us, since it's hard to be less active than us. And yeah, I really do it always, damn me!
If Xpaz wins I will laugh.
gl guijz
matias for the win.btw dont play whit pf dude !
I smell forfeit win for FF since one of team ephix member''s internet died... and FF not allowing ephix to play with some random merc or whatever... lame polaks imo
hopefully not, since that's my chance to compare slajdans prac aiming skills to the ones on ettv :-)
I have already compared you germans online skill vs your LAN skill, guess what? you fail.
weak pwnz on LAN
actually i performed better on cdc4 than i am right now, but anyways: may you rot in hell cheating scum.
for once I agree with the yerman, fucing shittard of a slajdan, lowskilled wannabe of shit
go wEAK, i'm in your back!
appreciate that!
Keep on dreaming, and don't forget you are not the main target.
feel lucky that you're not worth the effort to show your latest skillboost to the xfire crowd.

Damn, I am lucky.
While the highskilled part of community seems to think that you are cheating retard, please tell us - how do you feel and do you really cheat?

image: micjk3
So when is the avis comming? I would like to see that one on razz @ gr.
When you whined like a little pig because you don't realize that other people can preshoot at common spawnkilling places also, especialy after you have already killed someone there, that 1.
Do you note everytime when somebody says something to you? People are whining all the time about anything, it is part of the internet it seems! So don't feel so privileged because somebody said something to you about cheating or whatever ... that's really sad .. almost like you don't get that kind of attention away from the internet.
I only note extreme deviations and no, I have never been seriously accused of cheating outside gaming, have you?
Do not try to portray yourself as somebody who is smart because believe me, it's not convincing.

"that kind of attention" refers to any type of attention, in this scenario.
you atleast showed us some great skills on lan
As I reply to everyone that comes with that:

"It is better to be an unproved LAN sucker, than a proven one."
At least you know you'r a sucker xD
Im not sure, could be, I get panic in big crowds if they are to close, but I want to attend cdc5 and prove that I am atleast 2 times better than butchji was playing on LANs.
that means you will have to shoot at least 35% acc on lan!
good luck!
If that is concidered skill for you, sure!
Even my grandma can play 2 times better as butchji on lan :s
gl Belgium overload
X-Ray Pad is one of our main sponsors ( )
wp ephix amd ovrl $)
If edit keeps this level of their game, they will get a gold trophy this season, and a well deserved one also.
good luck fear factory
GL in playoffs all
QuoteI don't know about where you guys are, but down here the weather just keeps getting better and better

Haha, I feel sorry for you man! :D
I've been out working in the sun about half of the time I've been awake for the past week =) This weather is too nice <3
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