#ET-Cup showmatch: uQ take on xtraZone

image: et-cup-showmatch

Fresh from the perils that is the #ET-Cup fast gaming cup, both uQ and xtraZone have been looking to improve their performances, with neither side managing to get past the semi final stage. In that particular competition the sides didn't meet, having been knocked out by 141 and STAR respectively. But while the clans might have finished their tournament, the work continues for the #ET-Cup staff.

This Wednesday (March 29th), 4th generation uQ will play against xtraZone in a showmatch on battery, designed to test the way ET plays without the mortar, or any mines. It's a controversial experiment, but if any map is capable of showcasing the results, it surely has to be Battery. Due to the nature of the 'showgame', we are very interested in peoples's reaction post-game, i.e, after you have watched the match on ETTV. As an incentive, the poster of the best contructive comments will receive a 20 slot teamspeak server for several months, and possible we might chuck a bnc in there too for the runner up. If you wish to post feedback, the forumthread can be found here. But of course, to stand any chance of winning, you'll need to watch the game first!

Quote[/i]Match: Belgium xtraZone vs. Europe uQ-Gaming
Date: Wednesday, 29th March @ 21.00 CET
Maps: Battery / Battery
ETTV: GamesTV.org / id 341

xtraZone: lioco, snot, guest, kevin, acid, mesq
uQ-Gaming: razz zeto ziff senti second Ati_

Don't forget to add your comment in the forumthread!
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