TLR is back!

image: newstlrbb9

Yesterday one of UK's finest organizations announced their retur to the Call Of Duty 4 scene. Their first inception was to try to stick to their roots in UK, but they discovered that there weren't a team available that would have met their standards.

So now the organisation has welcomed the former Call of Duty 4 team of zeroPoint Gaming within their organisation.

With this, their new Call of Duty 4 roster is:

Germany Marcel "pwna" Koss
Germany Kevin "kevin" Frühling
Germany Daniel "humM3L" Müller
Germany Tobias "atrox" Treder
Germany Moritz "Moe" Mencwel
Germany Jens "souX" Grothe

Statement from team captain Marcel "pwna " Koss:

"We are very pleased with being able to play for TLR,with our new additions we want to reach the top and with TLR we have the Chance to visit the upcoming Cod4 Lan Events. I want to thank zeropoint for the wonderfull time especially "Apu".Now we are looking forward to the Acer Challenge in June and pracctising really hard for all upcoming events online and offline."

Statement from Managing Director of TLR, Michael Robinson:

"We return to Call of Duty 4 with a very promising and experienced lineup. The intention was to go back to a UK team, but the teams that are out there in the UK i don't think meet the standards we are looking for. The team we add are very dedicated, mature and we hope for a long lasting and successful relationship within TLR."

Statment from Lead Developer of zP!, APU:

I knew this day would come even before i picked them up. This is just nature of the business. People warned me, but i ignored this, because of my lack of knowledge of the Call of Duty scene. Considering the amount of luck i had with the last teams, i came to the conclusion that i will never pickup a new team in any game as long as i am responsible for this site.

Nevertheless, i want to thank the team for their time and work they put into wearing the zP! tag. I wish them the best of luck in their new home.

TLR presentation movie!
you do know that you sound dumb?
you are dumb. shitty bosnian retard people o:
Look who's talking, you cannot even write your own news and you feel somehow obliged to copy my news.
U pwnd him :D
I don't know if its just me but didn't TLR whine about MYM not speaking with the managment when they took TLR's team cod4 team? And now they go and do the same? thats just lame tbh...
gl atroxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

8^ )
hummel inactive.
gl humm3l
team captain and manager with same nick?
tough the same :XD
gl daniel
gl hummel : )
I edited to show what an idiot you're. Apologies, I'll credit you with stealing an entire news post, literally the only thing you changed was;

The French multigaming organisation Octane - (SK)
The big French MGC - (VAE)

you apparently didnt follow my recent comment.
You still don't get it, sourcing SK is irrelevant. You deliberately stole work from one of our writers and tried to pass it off as your own.
Yes, that's the problem with a lot of these so-called "writers" nowadays: they're like Xerox copiers.
No they are not, Xerox copiers are way more efficient.
Good point.
wtf is there to steal all these news post about new teams are the same, lineup + statement thats all
A german team :O
I have no idea of the cod4 scene... will this team be one of the best?
where is grobblin ?
gl ihr arischen brüder^^
gl {PMCG}Iceball and K!ller
gl atrox ;)
I hope humm3l is backup
hummel is everywhere
This is certainly not a pick I expected.
gl hummi, but chill with gaming!
gl daniel !
kinda sad tlr won't be uk
GL to the new squad, and GL to TLR.

<3 to Hummel
omg. humm3l is everywhere. no matter where i look....
GL humm3l and atrox =D
bad lineup soz :/
This team is obviously the last resort of TLR. Hopefully they will make TLR tag proud once more :) GL Humm3l !
cod4 sux bb
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