underscore is back...

image: logo

When we created Hungary underscore like 15 months ago, we never thought it will be so succesful than it was, and after we quit, we never thought we'll be back again. But now, it seems things changed, and formerly Thunder Force - underscore is back after a half year. We had several good results in the past, and it seems we could show that we haven't forgotten all yet.

Our goal is to play in the ClanBase EuroCup XIII, and that could help us a lot in reaching our main goal: take part in one of the biggest LAN events on the world, called QuakeCon 2006 (if there will be ET). Currently we are looking for a multigaming clan, which has interesest in this situation, so feels enough desperation to help us finding sponsors for QuakeCon (if there will be ET).

image: team

#und.et - dont hesitate to join our IRC chanel @ quakenet
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