ESL Major Series Relegation

image: et-ems With the end of all National and International Qualifiers we reached the last stage of the ESL Major Series Qualification. While most of the teams for the group stage have already been found, some teams get now the very last chance at the ESL Major Series Relegation. The EMS Relegation starts at this weekend and will be finished on Sunday next week. A total of 16 teams get their last chance to become part of the EMS Groupstage - three teams from each national qualifier and seven from the international one:

Europe 7 teams] Belgium overload gaming
Netherlands Friends in Force
Croatia cortana
United Kingdom Zero Empathy
France muse gaming

Germany 3 teams] Germany Team reVeal
Germany emagine
Germany Rapid Eye Moves

Poland 3 teams] Poland Idem at
Poland dECLINE Thallium Gaming
Poland ElitePlayers

Czech Republic 3 teams] Czech Republic Les Miserables
Czech Republic ULTIMATORS
Czech Republic ESVKA 2

12 of 16 slots for the EMS Groupstage have already been given away, the other 4 teams will be determined in the EMS Relegation. Each team needs to win the first two matches, otherwise they refused also this offer.

The EMS Groupstage will start directly after the Relegation has been finished, in the meanwhile the remaining matches at all qualifiers will be played to get an easier basis for the seedings.

>> Qualified teams so far:[/b]] Europe FatGames
Europe one4one
Finland Incomplete
Finland Vicious and Evil
United Kingdom Impact Gaming
United Kingdom Unkind
Germany megaProGaming e-Sports e.V.
Germany Lost Soldiers
Poland Authentic-Gaming
Poland invitium
Czech Republic Necroraisers
Czech Republic inteRaction

ESL Newspost
ESL Major Series Relegation
I think that national and european thing is bit stupid
though it is a nice cup =)
gl hf all
gl zeroE & Cortana!!!
great post :)
gl with it
Looks like polish qualifiers were the hardest.
what happened?
died in a car fire :<
Personally I think the Czech and German qualifications are retarded, but hey, your cup.

easy bash for vila
ezbash for Lost Soldiers :)
why are they retarded?o0
Cause they are useless.
LOL! So you trying to say that we in cze should stop playing W:ET because you dont care? Fuck off man and show me your 17teams belgian W:ET cup pls...
Not really. I'm saying that both the German and the Czech teams should've been placed in the EU-qualification thing since both those qualifications got us weak teams in the ESL. No offense, but LoSt Soldiers? Necroraisers? InteRaction? Are you kidding me? That's like moomoofarm in EC...

If you'd put all German and Czech teams in the EU qualifiers, only MPG would come out victorious. The others would've been eliminated. And I find that a shame because ESL is keeping better teams out of the tournament in favour of weaker teams who have a geographical advantage.

<3 your attitude.
<3 my attitude? Are you kidding me too? Man pls WAKE UP! We have 17 W:ET teams in CZE qualification, show me your W:ET promoting effort in your country pls! And pls take fact that new teams are rising and oldschool stars and players lefting scene. Why teams like iR and NR cant play with other teams? You idea is W:ET should be played only with few active highskilled teams and than good bye W:ET? OMFG! You all should celebrate that we have big number of active teams in our countries and try to make it real in your homelands too instead of fucking whine and envy.
You're so ridiculously pathetic, I'm not gonna spend more time at this. If you believe that, be my guest. Be happy with that bullshit. It shows that you haven't understood a single thing I was talking about.
pathetic? Man you have full mouth of arguments but what about stop this and try to have 16 active teams in Belgium and own qualification in future? You whine about skill of our teams but WHY? W:ET have hundreds of teams? I dont understand rly why are you doing this...
easy for bomi :D
In what team?
gl reveal
So that means that we have to play something like 3 wars in one week ?

What's the use of making another bracket like that ? getting boring.
nope you need to play 2 matches... if you win your first two matches you will be qualified because there are 4more spots :)
Yeah, great, this week we cant play before 22h30. d'you think one opponent will agree on it ?
I doubt it, but if I remember right you werent able to play before that times several weeks now, so you may reconsider your time management =)
Not possible. Job issues.
unlucky =(
contact those les.m , been trying to for 3 days
finland not represented? no wai
they don't have teams @ relegation part cause 2 strongest fin teams already got qualified
There haven't been enough .fi teams for a regional qualifier.
Gl #zero.e guys , gl muse !

(Bizoo douille & co)
too bad ovr + cortana won't meet in final..
gratulation REM :)
rofl lost soldiers oO wieso is da low- erlaubt :XDDDDD
w00t med+ min !
kleiner spasst :D
go overload, reveal, idem and lesM

lost soldiers ftw :D ;)
dunno why, but gl FiF!
it looks like teams get easier in the series through national qualis :O
wouldnt it be boring to see the same teams in there again and again?
sure but I don't think most (excluding mpg, some pl teams and nr ofc) of these national teams got much chances against the european qualifiers anyway, so it's a bit pointless :p
it is indeed, but at least they give it a shot. nice move from ESL imo.
I wasn't whining; rather stating my opinion, so I don't blame esl about that :)
zero <3
izy bash for cortana ;(
Good luck TanQ & Goran!
Not great seedings, imho - cortana and TAG in the same quarter (again!) while the best teams in the bottom half of the draw are zeroE, ep and muse...
I would prefer having to play tag cortana and ovr in a row than ep...
lost soldiers? ^^
tja ;)

it's ok if everyone underestimates them! :D
they are underrated tbh :o
mpg,impact,fat,ls "ok" o.O
they've already played against mpg and weren't that bad :p
gl cortana
No wonder you were so bad last time. :o)
I always play as shit like that
don't say that, you're useful with your landmines :s
Seriously why are LS even allowed to play? t4ce2 and they have heinzy or whatever.
and Pre-relegation cup is for what? no invites to group stage from this cup?
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