Eurocup Shines Tonight!

image: ecbw4

MPG vs FF[/u]

Wonderfull weather outside, who would even think about ET then right ? Well people that fall asleep in the sun only to wake up and see their burned all over their body like me.. To only see them then return back behind their pc asking themselves, why does everything has an up and a downside?

As anybody knows ET is having its last breath probaly to survive untill the next cdc to then fall into a deep coma.. Question is, will it wake up again sooner or later as Rtcw2, only time will tell.. Anyway we have had some very exciting playoff matches already as anybody knows and we can only hope this trend will be continuing.. orrr NOT? Is there still a light at the end of the tunnel?

There should be because finally we might actually be able to see a match tonight as polish bastards Poland Fear Factory are gonna try to take on last champs and equally retarded team Europe MegaProGaming. Anybody can confirm that FF has been one of the biggest surprises this season and they keep on playing good, even without superstar Poland wiesiek. Tonight however they will be facing a new kind of opponent, hopefully for them anyway an opponent that is actually gonna show up and give them a challenge.. and what a challenge it will be. With all the star players MPG has this should be an easy bash but Polish pride is here, there and everywhere so let's not be to naive to count them out already.. Anyway I'm gonna stop whining and present you guys the line ups for tonight and some additional info..


Germany haZer
Germany butchji
Germany wEAK
Germany drago
Latvia Clown
Austria potter
Scotland razz

Fear Factory

Poland Wrobel
Poland n00n
Poland wiesiek
Poland Templar
Poland wiadro
Poland uf0l
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland sOme

gamestv url


Let's see how the germans play with Austria potter ( if he will be playing ) as I already said their line up in my opinion won't be as strong with him giving the polish side a chance to take a map or maybe win.. Altho I'm sure scottish toptalent Scotland razz will be there to do anything necessairy to stop them!

Good luck both and hopefully this time they show up

1st izi
easy for gnajda & Templar.
is gnajda playing ? :P and even better, are you playing ( your team ) ? :D
If gnajda plays there prolly will be the 5th forfeit win. :/
I don't think gnajda will play, I'm sure/hoping I was told FF have realised he's too obvious!
then they'll have to take a look at wiadro and templar.
Templar played pretty well on that polish LAN
both lan proved
Yea, I saw the ggt ettvs... they all were like online, pwnage and stuff.
Dont know the wiadro guy but Templar played well on the LAN.
polish bastards, n1 :D
Well, I bet it will get cancelled anyways =/ like all the better games!
will be cancelled anyway
will be cancerred anyway
no jews with a shining stick? baah... journal!
forfeit pls :XD
Let's see how the germans play with potter ( if he will be playing ) as I already said their line up in my opinion won't be as strong with him giving the polish side a chance to take a map or maybe win.. Altho I'm sure scottish toptalent razz will be there to do anything necessairy to stop them!

i cant play with so much pressure :(((((
I'm saying your gonna play bad so you don't have any pressure at all then right ? Intelligence detector is exploding over here, might be the heat tho..
so true man so true :(
i'll be first , HAPPY BIRTHDAY POTTER :D

image: torta_architetto_frances_01
center your banner
will be cancelled anyway
rape ém razz
i smell a razz vs cheaters comming up
GL Wrobel & wiadro
gL potter
why is n00n is allowed to play? Heard he played an OC war this season...

u can play for higher division team, not lower.
so he wasn't allowed to play for that lower team, was he?:P
you cant jump from higher to lower division, but u can from low to high.
1st EC - > 2nd OC -> 3rd EC :o
not allowed during the same season.
np 4 potter xDDD

go bash some polish hax0rz ;)
we demand Poland gnadja
i wanna see gnadja vs butchji : P
no forfeit no win :XO! , gl FF
gnajda wont play imo, hes fkin cheater :S
easy for potter
Good luckj uf0l, you cheater!!! :*
comon yermans
get'em butchji! sick boi! aim for the legs!
no, this time no forfeit
would be great if noone would play against gnajda or FF would realize theres no real winning with cheater
i cant see gnajda in their lineup
gl downloaded skillzors
forfeit win i guess
izi one for MPG
apparently wiadro played without.
ive got this feeling with basically every polish rifle, they seem to know every goddarned trickshot on a map and manage to do it perfect every time :(
You mean he's juste like zmk ? :D
But we played him (wiad.) the day before and ... it looks like he lost 50% acc @ grenade laucher.
In pracs, he is like randomly shooting everywhere...and hitting each time. Yesterderday, he kept the gamestyle, but didn't hit at all :]
Poland Endarked Poland gnajda Poland Templario

take it easy with the cheats, fellas
who cares, we have got gnajda, they have got butchji. Cheats are good.
image: 135902001_3p

butchji = accuracy whore
idd every shot = hit :)
yeah true i think every clan should have his own cheater to balance things
butchji is just skilled !!! He played nice at qcon!!!!

ps: dont talk about shgopen or cdc... Was just some days with 29 acc (comparing to his 50+ stable vs high)
Sorry im a bit confused who are you talking about? Butchji ?

Butchji didnt play at shg.
mmm... didnt he play 3 lans? qcon, cdc3 and? maybe pga (polish lan) dunno :\
he played med at Qcon and even worse @ pga, plIx
qcon cpc1 cpc2 pga
Are you going to "cdc" 5 ? Im wondering if you still can own zhe shit out of the europeans (i dont mean your cpc1 cpc2 skill) with 50+ acc stable :P Somehow you make me remember Netherlands rocky
prolly first game where they don't forfeit :D
ez 4 wiadro!
wtf but n00n sux :< he was like sum Mid skill0r @ pub few months ago :s
soz nothing personal i just wrote what i saw :<
maybe was drunken after pub?:)
dunno he sucked @ least and he had FF tag up and i was laik wtf is FF doing having this dude :d can B or he got h4x or sumthing dunno,,
imo he's rly good and enough skilled for ff
gl mpg <3
Eurocup shines shies tonight
hf butchji
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