Qualify for CoD4 EMS Season III

image: qualiEMS3It's time! Details for how to qualify for the €3.000 third season of the ESL Major Series are inside. Think you can compete with the best in Europe? Prove it.
Thousands of players from across Europe will battle over the upcoming weeks and months to try and qualify for ESL Major Series Season III.

How to qualify is based on your team's nationality. At all times throughout a qualifier your teams nationality ingame must be that of the qualifier.

For example, if your ingame line-up has 3 French players then your team must play in the France French qualifier and at all times 3 out of 5 players ingame must be French.

AustriaSwitzerland Alps - Details here
Benelux Benelux - Announced soon
Croatia Croatia - Details here
Czech Republic Czech & Slovakia - Details here (added)
Denmark Denmark - Details here
France France - Details here
Finland Finland - Details here
Germany Germany - ESL Amateur Series
Greece Greece - Announced soon
Hungary Hungary - Details here
Italy Italy - Details here
Norway Norway - Details here
Poland Poland - Announced soon
Portugal Portugal - Details here
Russia Russia & C.I.S. - Announced soon
Spain Spain - ESL Pro Series Season III
Sweden Sweden - Details here
Ukraine Ukraine - Announced soon
United Kingdom United Kingdom - Details here

Qualifiers for some additional countries and the Europe qualifier will be announced later.


EU Hosted Qualifiers:
Details for how teams from Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Norway, Sweden, UK can qualify for the €3.000 third season of the ESL Major Series are inside.
Up to the top 4 teams from each qualifier will qualify either directly for the third season of the ESL Major Series groupstage or go into one of the two knockout Qualifying Rounds. The exact distribution of slots will not be known until later.

The qualifiers will each be 8 team double elimination, one map per round, first to 16 rounds wins

Round 1. 25th May 20:00 CET
WB #2/LB #1. 25th May 21:30 CET
WB #3/LB #2. 1st June 20:00 CET
LB #3. 1st June 21:30 CET
Consolation Final. 8th June 20:00 CET
Final. 8th June 21:30 CET

The map pool is mp_strike, mp_vacant, mp_backlot, mp_crash, mp_citystreets

The team on the left side of the match sheet eliminates the first map, teams take it in turn eliminating until one map remains

Special notes
No show time is 15 minutes
Remember at all times ingame 3 out of 5 players must be from the country of the respective qualifier

image: new_message Signup

Signup is open from now until Wednesday 21st May 12:00 CET (midday)
Denmark Denmark
Finland Finland
Hungary Hungary
Norway Norway
Sweden Sweden
United Kingdom United Kingdom

€1.500 - €900 - €600

Newspost on ESL.eu
EU Hosted Qualifiers
Hopefully more teams will be taking it seriously this time, because season 2 had some teams in it I found rather surprising and possibly unworthy.
Im pretty sure that this time it will become something huge. Well lets see how it goes ;)
why is there benelux and not NL, BE,..
i think NL & BE got much more teams than Ukraine, Greece ..
Because ESL has only a benelux section as "national" section for your country:
which sucks ass
I think there used to be seperate qualifiers for Belgium & The Netherlands, but there werent many teams showing up. Even in CoD4 there aren't that much top teams from The Netherlands / Belgium alone to make it worth having special qualifiers.

Besides that this gives more chance for teams like L3, who otherwise needed to play in the European qualifiers for having two players from Belgium and three from The Netherlands. Isn't that the same situation your team would be in if there wasn't a Benelux qualifier?
The overall level in the netherlands is higher then in some of the countries which have an own qualifier.

*check svo's comment below*
Bulgarians, too poor to buy cod4 :)
this is sad indeed...
benelux: srs, tek9, KC, sample, L3 and these are only the known topteams..

ukraine: 0?

nice reply skills:<
and? different countries will get different numbers of slots at different levels (direct, qr2, qr1), benelux will get a lot more slots than ukraine
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