Special Delivery Showmatches - Update2

image: deliverymb5

To keep the "hype" up, started by the Special Delivery TE article on the left, we have another gift for you. Our beloved Germany SPU9 was actively gathering several interested and motivated teams to present the map Special Delivery TE in some showmatches.

Yesterday we saw a nice match between Netherlands dNan versus Europe specialmix. The match ended 4:0 for dNan and gave some good impressions of what the map is like. For further Information check the following GamesTV page:
image: game5335

Update: Today we will see the next two showmatches on Special Delivery TE. Read on for detailed information!

The first match between Europe d&[email protected] vs Europe ubermix took take place at 21:00CET and ended as 4:0 victory for ubermix. The Lineups were be as follows:

Europe d&[email protected]

Germany reaz
Germany nk3
Germany ScaTmaN
Slovenia carniee
Poland altar
Estonia rAUL

Europe ubermix

United Kingdom Meez
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands joop
Finland Matias
Latvia Clown
Netherlands Azatej
United Kingdom Mztik
Belgium dAv1d

For more information follow this Gamebutton over to GamesTV:
image: game5333

The second match was Italy Team Vagrants vs Netherlands Friends in Force and was scheduled for 21:30CET. The final result was 4:0 for Friends in Force.

Italy Team Vagrants

Italy Black
Italy Impe
Italy Supre
Italy Rizz
Italy Danone
Italy Seven

Netherlands Friends in Force
Netherlands joof
Netherlands barbon
Belgium Jere
Belgium Gringoe
Belgium Worm
Netherlands freedune

And again go over to GamesTV and find all information on Servers etc. :
image: game5325


It were great matches and we got good impressions of what the map is capable of. Stay tuned and you dont need to wait long for beta2, thats for sure!

(thx to kyra & agon for the banner)
the sucky banner is my fault :>
I like it :D
gl spho <3
hopt it will be a hell of an event ;ppp
Hope this is a good competition map
gl he Domi D:::
gl dNan!
-the elevator that says 'TING'

-everything else
New map, New ET power ! :) ET > end of world
nice one eiM you finally got it :P
gL & hF aLL
going to be fun!
lol nice banner : D
gl krein
need a server with this map and someone to explain it to me!

about the server :P maybe the ppl on it will explain it to you :P or simply check my article completely
Nice map. Lovely job mate!
image: Image1
image: Image2
image: Image3
image: Image4
image: Image5
image: Image6
image: Image7
image: Image8
image: Image9
image: Image10

Took me 5 mins to do them (some of them have bloom effect from uv moviemaker gold, eventhough bloom looks terrible at sp delivery). They arent that special but i dont have more time for now to do better screens. Feel free to use them for banners, if you want.

1920x1200 resolution.

ps: http://beta-gaming.de/et/ag0n/Best%20of%20ET/sp_delivery_te_b1/non_edited_screens.rar (non edited screens.. )
looking good
nice effort :)
nice :) , made a banner from it , hope eiM gonna use it :P
remove the pics plz... or post them in a journal/forum!
post em in links plz, or use the hide-tag.

u'r screwing up then entire page layout
more blur, more passes should fix ugly screenshots
I used 5 pass's and 81 blur
gonna try something tomorrow.
nice that you have found bloom, next up: lens flare!
As i said, _some_ screens have bloom. The others is just my supply color correction that makes the "glowish" effect.

anyway if you are not happy make something better.. i mean.. _try_ (:XD) to make something better.
wierd map
but much better than the old one :< it's bigger

but you should put a mortar right in the trapt :D:D:D:D:D:D sadly, the mortar is disallow
Don't know both so I believe everything :(
really nice good job
The map was just totally awesome in 5v5 mod at quakecon. Loved it <3
u were bad on it
cool map..i come later on pub
cool map.
found one bug.
you can press the button before it has been made
ye when its constructing... will fixx it
if you can edit players was lettu me olbaa isen snake and some emo guy
easy bash for anox!!!11
At last stable 125 so, map is playable now. gg
gl to all the teams :D
I heard this map is hacker, when are you gonna bust him??!
I heard that killerboy gonna bust him when you release a new comic!!?
da wird nk3 mal wieder zerfickt
does the original delivery still exist? sp_delivery.pk3 ... i have an old demo i wanted to watch. but cant find the map anywhere :(
sry I only got sp_delivery2.pk3
No amount of bloom can hide the fact that this was an absolute abomination of a map. T_T
tbh I do not know the releasedates of supply1 and sp_delivery1 but they are both very old , so I wouldnt say for sure that its copied :)
Its a nice map and ET rllyyy needs new maps in the list, hope it gets popular.
yup known... always when obj is built without having flag (allies) ... will be fixxed
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