QuadV CoD4 Coverage Tonight

After an amazing Team Fortress 2 Final for the ETF2L Season 2 Cup last night we return to the Call of Duty 4 arena. The ClanBase EuroCup XVII is moving along at a quick pace now and the Winners Bracket Semi Finals look to be superb!

CB EC XVII WB Semi-Final - 21:00 CET 19th May - KomaCrew vs H2k.Thermaltake - Crash, District

image: crashbNetherlands KomaCrew are on fire at the moment despite having a few weeks rest while Netherlands Roman replaced every part of his pc to fix his lag. In the last round they got through with a close 25-20 against Finland Epsilon. They also took victory over Czech Republic eSuba last weekend in a somewhat disapointing final in the CODQCUP but Netherlands Svo assures me tonight will be much better!

France H2k.Thermaltake have had 2 close games to get through to this stage beating the 2 main german teams Germany Speed-Link 25-22 and then beating Germany SK-Gaming 25-20. I believe this will be another tight match for them.

Watch it all Live on QuadV TV1 with Deman at 21:00 CET
So funny how TosspoT boycots kamzz/hype but its fun to see him talk to a known ET cheater. (not in this post but in previous posts)

gl svo.
who do you mean? :O
svo aka Snoozer
Why are you talking about me?
Because your TosspoT.
snoozer let them show how its done
Need COD4 fucking TV!, Svo played ET btw?
yes and got busted for hax (snoozer)
Should be banned 4live, not sure he's the svo that we had in TGP :/
nah he aint... he started to play in HP (when i was there too) He is the guy whos clan i played with when i had that account (and ban after it ;D)

There were screens with him getting kicked by pb (2 or 3 screens)
snoozer didnt hack in hp..atleast he wasnt good at that time he was one of the weaker players. But after that he did. And its not the svo from TGP. :)
Greetings from Japan #hello!project :-)
intense snoozer:D
eurocup is sooooooooooooooooooooo boring with all of them rounds -.-
Must say I don't agree with the Clanbase format, the 25 round thing just doesnt work well. If H2k had of been on defense to start with it wouldnt have been anywhere near the close score it was.

ps. VoD's up and I forgot to record so its the Live Stream version :(
if they didnt let us wait 15 minutes and we won the first knife round or startin @ district we wouldve won imo. the 11-1 was hard to come back from..
now its my turn to fix my pc.. shit fps drops:@ grrrr cant track the enemy down when im shooting:@ even typing this message is laggy or is that with all of you?
oh and i dont cheat, i owned many lans:>
:D it didnt help roman much either though did it :P he missed way too many shots!
ye was his first game with the new vid card;p or 2nd game.. so gotta get used to it little bit, district he did nice though.
svo aka Snoozer
H2K qpad right? not thermaltake?
No qpad got dropped and the 2nd H2k team have gone inactive so its Thermaltake now or H2k.TT.
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