Warleagues2 Release!

image: wl2iconYou can hear it knocking behind your door, Warleagues2 release!

The release will happen at 25th of may (Sunday) MIDNIGHT on Warleagues2 website!


» A new League and Cup system
» Warleagues is in partnership with pbbans
» A brand new layout
» A new forum for team and member searches
» Write and publish your own news on warleagues.com
» Clan admins can administrate their squads and manage the roles of their clan members
» Take part in a season or cup with your team
» A fully automated sheduling and result report system will be present
» View your result history and archived seasons
» Request GameTV for your match
» Write reports to each match
» Report Abuses
» New admins

ET image: game_et
COD4 image: game_cod4
warsow image: game_warsow
ET:QW image: etqw
RTCW image: game_rtcw

image: at godfragger Head of Warleagues2
image: no WikingTOR Head of Warleagues2
image: fi Zeku W:ET supervisior
image: se Seven COD4 supervisior
image: pl manlux W:ET co-admin
image: no Viperius W:ET co-admin
image: nl TwA W:ET co-admin
image: be Yoda RTCW supervisior
image: be cryptz warsow supervisior
image: hr SnaKeS3K TC:E supervisior
image: de j4b ET:QW admin
image: nl 4drenalin3 TV-admin
image: it AmC0rp TV-admin

It will be an beta-version, it has been checked out from each sections with our beta-testers, but even though if you find anything uncorrect, or not-working spot, just contact admins on #Warleagues.

Stay tuned for later of evening!

Our work is never over, Warleagues staff

cool 8D
looking good, i'm just wondering how the etqw and rtcw competitions will look like
je gl jab :)
Good luck Zeku & co :)
sounds real nice, et needs this (:
Yoda best wl admin ever! =)
nice :]

Yoda ! :))
ETQW really nice :)
nice one :-)
Stop writing it centered ;o
QuoteOur work is never over,

nice motivation xd
yeah rtcw is back 8]
phate join irc, fucking noob :(
GL, nice one
warsow ? f**kin nice :D
Gl cryptz <3 if you need help, i'm avi

But pls, correct the post. It's not warsov but warsoW.
nice one gody & Wiki!
BAN-policy will be announced later, for each games.

This aint any "1day" or "quick" cup, so imo we don't need to post it to our newspost.

You can find everything further on www.warleagues.com
Uhh Zeku & news. HF adonis.
Nice, VAE will enter etqw tourni :)
great to hear!
also warsow :)
nice one
ET:QW how interesting.
pls let me show you my pokemans, i has alot
okey. :)

we have chosen those because their experience as admin, and organisator skills etc.

But still, once in pbbans - never in warleagues ;>
Good luck WL crew!
good job Warleagues.com
Yoda, VikingTOR, godfragger... Almost like good ol' times!
WL2 is NOT gonna be launched at the time the site claims! Make your bets now!

Good work WL
avi for ET:QW
rtcw.no was great ;O)!
2 mins left, zomg... :)
0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 00 seconds remaining ...

0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 00 seconds remaining ...
They lied, zomg! :)
the admin went to bed ..
I'm waiting
+wl|TwA`cN : Our work is never over... // tomorrow is the site up becoz some probs with uploading gn8 regrads wl staff.
hmm still nothing :o?
QuoteWARLEAGUES 2 will be delayed for some hours! We are sorry for this delay.

well done zeku ;)
EPIC FAIL?!?!?!?!?! :D
End of the world -counters have been epic fails... This one is just a regular failure.
gl Viperius :)

Looks geat,well needed
Nice to get a counter then admit that stuff didn't work out :)
Sorry dudes for delaying this, but we had problems with uploading stuff in, the site will be up today!
N to the P!
shame on you, Mister.
you failed too with your flagcounter, twat
glorious start to the website>D
Typical Warleagues xD

best way t odo it, finish the site then do the big count-down. then theres always less of a problem ;)
Would you have it any other way ;)
got to keep to tradition I spose ;p
epic fail
omg all those thousands of people who stayed up till late in the night, to withess this epic event!1111

glad i went to bed!
hundreds of thousands ;-)
18 hours and 40 minutes late already!
Up now, gl viperius
Spanks, mate. ;*
it's up now, still beta though and games need to be added
Thanks to those that have joined/signed up ect. (20 teams so far) :)

Warleagues is up and running and yes in beta stages, read the site, sign up and report any known bugs.

Thanks :)
i thought you have already tested it and stuff...
you dont make any seasons now anyways so why that hurry with releasing website?
Not possible to test everything until online fully.

Once again (and if people read warleagues.com) it is still in beta stage.

QuoteIt will be an beta-version, it has been checked out from each sections with our beta-testers, but even though if you find anything uncorrect, or not-working spot, just contact admins on #Warleagues.

Our work is never over, Warleagues staff
who said we aint going to run no season? shure we do, short ones offcourse due summerbreak.

and shure it was tested, but its always a big different if you test it intern then when it goes live.

For the delay iam sorry, we where in time, only problem was that our server somehow decided not to start the tomcat, without any reason, and same without any reason it worked on monday morning ^^

have fun so far with warleagues, i hope we can bring up some joy and fun to the gaming community and allready 1 year developement will be worth.

and the wl admins will do ANYTHING to please you (hrhr) ;)

What ever happens, you WONT be needed, trust me :)
O M F G !
Can`t believe that, after so many years it`s finally here :D Gl with new WL ! :D
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