ETQWPro 0.55a

This is a very small update this time. I only fixed the few bugs reported and adopted the autorecord from splashdamage.

This update now should and can be used for competition.
Report bugs to our forums please.

Download here

wiki here

Our Public server has been updated already:
Official ETQWPro Public: (custom content download enabled)


* Fixed third person Crosshair not showing up anymore
* Fixed readyteam bug
* es_autorecord now stops at the end of round

==New Features==
* es_mod_grenade_count has been reworked. 0 = vanilla grenade count, 1 = etqwpro grenade count, 2 = 2 nades for every class, 3 = no nades
* now displaying the time that remains, until a locked vehicle is useable again!
* autorecording will now use Splashdamge's way of demo naming. (g_autoDemoNameFormat)
* Megatextures are now downloaded to the base directory, and not the mod directory
He cant .. Its impossible :P
<3 Hannes!
ET is dead, so why bother?
qw is awesome

now die in a carcrash cancermongoll
but QW is more dead
Well done, nice job!
Nice - since this is a more important release then beta version, please make this main news :)
who plays QW anyways?
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