In Estonia we trust!

image: estonia-artwork2
The country no American had ever heard of until they took a combined $35,000 out of Texas (Oh no J.R.), has today announced its return to Enemy Teritory in a big way!

First of all, idle manager Galahad has put together his all Estonian lineup for the upcoming season! The man that single handedly masterminded the teams trip to Quakecon this summer, has pulled out another trump card with the return to activity of rifle nading supreme r3vers!


Estonia Galahad
Estonia r3vers
Estonia l6ng
Estonia reload
Estonia t6nis
Estonia vikat

I asked Galahad: "What was your motivation not to take this team under the wing of the idle team who right now are going from strength to strength as a multigaming organisation?"

QuoteWell the main reason is that I am not a fan of two teams in the same organisation who are in direct competition. And even though we are very active when compared to the current ET scene, I do not think that any of us in kujuneb is taking playing ET as seriously as a true gamer ought to. Kujuneb basically consists of people who just can't seem to be able to walk away from the game completely, but due to other responsibilities can not focus on ET as much as a player in idle should.

Over on the other side of estonia, last seasons Eurocup silver medalists and team who officially never folded, are picking up their mp40's and whilst they're at it a former ocrana player! Thats right, are back in town![/u]

Estonia Night
Estonia Holz
Germany urtier
Germany senji
Netherlands teKoa
Netherlands mike

Perhaps no longer routed in estonian heritage anymore, however the team is apart of the idle organisation who after impressive performances from their CS division at the shGopen and with much hype surrounding the Quake 4 potential of former reload ET star Belgium mAx, the team are on the up and up! Could this be the safest place to be for an ET team right now ahead of any potential dream of Quakecon?

Never the less, Estonia challenges you to come get some or die trying, as they go out to maintain their status as ET's number 1 nation!

Picture courtesy of mAx!

Link to Idle's official statement
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