Warleagues Season VIII (UPDATE)

image: wl2icon

Now it's time to announce it, the FIRST ET tourney for wl2!

After the little delay, we got our beta-website online. And now we are ready to give you that what you have waited for a really long time; the Warleagues Season VIII!

Maplist change!

So after we got some discussion up about Karsiah_TE2, we decided to remove it from the maplist, and replace it with sw_Oasis_b3.


- Rules are really much based on the old rulesets, but more detailed ruleset will be announced on our website later.


- Supply
- sw_Goldrush_TE
- Radar
- Bremen_B2
- Spelical Delivery TE
- sw_Oasis_B3


- Updating all the time, will be uploaded soon


- Signups will get open on Thursday 29th of May at 24:00 CET.
- And closed on Friday 6th of June at 12:00 CET.
- About the date of first matchweek, and so far will be announced later on, so stay tuned.


And again, if you feel that you miss some information, feel free pm Following admins via this Website, or IRC #Warleagues.

- wl|Zeku
- wl|Viperius
- wl|TwA
- wl|BaZ

"Warleagues - For the Gamers"

- Warleagues ET staff

Source: [url]www.warleagues.com[/url]
*THUMBS UP* for the maplist!

uhm topic says VIII and text VII ... ?
very nice maplist except for kariah
well done, hope it ll succeed
- Karsiah_TE
- Spelical Delivery TE

Underlined as they may be removed? I hope so :P
mappool looks interesting
why karsiah? :<
god, what an awful design.
the site or the newspost?
the site. I expected something similar to their blog, but that new design is just plain ugly.
it's not that bad
for a website from 1995, yes.
Its still beta, will be updated soon as all the bugs have been cleared.
bugs in functionality shouldn't affect the way a page looks. thus I conclude the changes will be minor and won't make much of a difference, because what you have here now is nowhere near good looking. I hope you can prove me wrong.
Your correct :)
rtcw.no >>>>> new one
Great job gl
reactor instead of karsiah ;p

although i really like karsiah but i think it is a better 3v3 map!
agree! respect for removing worst map in et ever - braundorf!
Looking for team, msg me.

Ps. Nice maplist, except karsiah_te :P
Hold back on downloading the server config please, still awaiting it coming back from bani
You guys really should learn to wait when things are done and not rush all the time.

best map since <insert any random shit (not braundorf/adlernest) dead map>
add battery without mines and mortar
or railgun
or a random new map.

instead of karsiah
wtf @ karsiah

nice !

PS.I don't need team ,so please do not bother me

It is hard to be humble ,if you are great as I am
take off karsiah... add adler
Karsiah is FINE !
Supply? Impossible to get rid off?
Why would you want to get rid of the best map in the game?
best, highly debatable, since obviously radar is the best map.
Okay, i rephrase -

Why would you want to get rid of what people consider to be the best map in ET next to radar?
Overplayed, I think it would be refreshing to play something else for a change.
If people were bored of it, it would've been gone already. The majority is clearly not bored of it.
so fuckin` true. radar > all
naaais maplist
Awesome maplist!
great maplist - just idd karsiah should be replaced by adler/frost
did you use some free webtemplate? :[]
Would look better ;)
isn't it season IX?

anyway, gl/hf
karsiah sucks :x
add frostbite
Your work is never over.
I like karsiah. =)
nice to see that there is still some effort put in et. :)
although the site rly sucks, seriously.
hf but hey add braundorf
good decision, karsiah sucks really hard
Karsiah sucks, But old oasis would be better..

This is fine anyway!:)
sw_oasis is crap, original all the way!
some new maps would be nice..always same maps are a bit boring
still need frostbite & battery ;[
some1 have a link for this map : - Spelical Delivery TE ?? find it nowhere or it was more - Special Delivery TE
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