Cup Final

After many rounds the Cup Final is almost set. Almost because before the final is played out the Semi-Finals will take place, nothing like last minute!

redline 3-13 yourMGC/oXmoze

France redline who were seeded 5th in this tournament have knocked out the top ranked France H2K.TT 13-8 on Vacant in the semi-finals which makes them a team to be noticed. They will have the chance to prepare themselves for tonights match while their opposition have to fight it out only an hour before. Whether thats good or bad is up for debate.

France yourMGC / France oXmoze are seeded 3rd and 2nd respectively so either team could make it through to the finals. Both teams have had a fairly clear run to the finals with France yourMGC knocking out France pleasure and France oXmoze knocking out France D-Sky in the quarter-finals. With the teams having to play just before the final there won't be a lot of time to prepare themselves and may be a little drained. On the flip side they will be warmed up and confident after a win, so as I said, it really is debatable who is better off.

Join us tonight for live video coverage on QuadV TV1 with Deman.
we need more France , rly
You know you love the flags
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