BiO is Moving!

You may have noticed recently that the current BiO server has become a sw_Goldrush whore and not been changing maps! Well, the reason it hasn't been fixed is because BiO is on the move!

The current server sponsorship has now ended, so we took it upon ourselves to find a new host for one of, if not THE, most popular stopwatch based Enemy Territory servers still around today.

Everything is the same from the old server, which is about to be turned off as I write this, but people with the IP/Subnet bans should now be able to use the server without get owned by PBBans. Maps remain the same apart from Caen has been replaced by Adlernest for the time being (dont complain - I was contemplating putting Venice on). Enjoy!

This server is kindly provided by YCN Gaming
#YCN-Gaming /
nice im unbanned!:D
np 4 the next ban? ;) <3
oke, ty for sharing this information :D
nice im unbanned!:D
You know whats lame on that server !? ..that many ppl have private slot pw.. and other ppl who don't have it just can't connect on ;[ ..its always like 16/18
Only me kevlar and slash had priv slot password afaik and that because we are refs :o
well if it thats true.. you are always playing there :X (at least when i want to connect ..thats like few times per month) :D
if they connect on a private slot it does not take any of the rest public 16 slots as far as i know:o
not really.
he is right. If a server have 16 normal slots and 2 privates , nobody can't connect on those 2 slots even they aren't in use and if someone connect on a private it doesn't effect the 16slots
You are wrong
you are! read my example...

a server has 16 public slots and 2 private slots, obviously to the public it is only seen to have 16 slots. If a private slotter connects to the server when it's full it shows 17/16 players, and if a public slotter was to disconnect the player slots would be 16/16
Yes but a player is in a private slot, so the public slot that the person disconnected from remains open, so another player can connect to the public slot and make it 17/16 again.
idd. if the server has less than 16 players when you connect with the private password, it will still move you to a private slot, thus allowing the server to get up to 17 players (16 public slots + the private slot that's in use, allowing one more private slot to be used)
Correct :)

BiO is 20 slot. 16 are Public slots and 4 Private, If I connect to a private slot, there are still the 16 Public slots available :)
Why does the server have 4 private slots when there are only 3 people who know the private slot password?
Slash is fat and takes up 2 slots.
if he will sell it how many euros/puntas/dollars do i have to pay?
did i win a priv pass there?
I think i did:P
slasheh rarely plays ET tho, lvl 49 Age of Conan addict imo!
i still make special guest appearances to show the newschoolers how to play william wallace style
but you're so gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
im only lvl 20 :(
what srv you on??? I'm @ 1 char lvl 20 1 char lvl 22
pv-e dagon dont laugh i hate getting gang raped :P im only lvl11 on soulfly pvp
bah I can't remember what pve srv i'm on with my lvl 20 ToS, but i'm lvl 22 conq @ Wildsoul pvp. You should come on there, photon's on there aswell :P we'll save you from getting ganked :D
omg get a real game!
ET is boring :<<
who said i ment ET :P
but but hmmmmmmmmm
is it good? o_0 i play GW as my mmorpg but its a bit boring, i saw some screenys and vids of age of conan but it looks REALLY cheesey
not as cheasy as most other games :P But yeh it's cool, atm still a couple of bugs and things that don't work. But they're still updating, too bad @ pvp i get retardly pwnd by fckin rogue bastards with silly bows that fckin stun me and fuckin spell me to be stuck in the ground so i can't come up close and slash em to bits ;<
i should have it aswell! kevv is just scared i own his ass!
poor you, go be sad panda emo now :<
/timescale 120 bud
50 is enough tho !
i once had a private slot on efterlyst!!!!! YEA MAN I AM SO FUCKING FAMOUS
efterlyst...that server back yet?
tr00, the old server crashed all the time : <
Nice, no more grush!
shit cant connect from jamaica???!?!?!?!?!? WATAFAK?!?!?!?!!
no they banned niggers or whattefuck is this cocky shit
they're raccists
im 2 black 2 be true OMFG
yes wanted to say the same :X !::OP!"PX
:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX:X !::OP!"PX
löly pörely
lol frenky :p

sup m8?
all good m8 :)
just remove kevlar as admin now and it will be great
I'm devastated you moron. If you want to ban everybody who dosen't like you nobody will be playing at Bio anymore.
nah, just the ones that call me a moron on public forums. dipshit :/
you banned me before i called you a moron, moron.
ive not even banned you, you humourless fool :< sense of humour transplant please....
That dosen't change the fact that every second guy playing on bio hates you for your stupid behaviour.
oh no! i better retire from the admin position quick then! how can i carry on, knowing im hated by so many people!!! my e-feelings are hurt beyond repair :( wait.. hated by 50% of the players there? thats not a bad average actually :D fuck it, ill stay! woohoo
you didn't get that, don't you? How about changing your kiddy behaviour?
my dad could kick the shit out your dad. ner ner ne ner ner. sorry, remind me, who asked you? maturity is something im in a position to choose wether i have or not, im old now, and grab any opportunity to act like a kid, its helps me through my sad, long days.

there goes another opportunity for an e-friend.... damn :<

to recap. im not there to make freinds, i have plenty thanks, im there to admin a server, if you dont like me, thats fine, no big loss to me, but thanks for your massive input today, its always welcome :)
ever heard about netiquette ? Being an admin of some random server doesn't make you a god and doesn't give you any privilege in internet and of course doesn't give you opportunity to do/say whatever you want.
point out where exactly ive ever acted like a "god" ,you play on bio, you play by the rules as set by myself and other admins, if you cant get used to that, feel free to play on other servers, im sure theres lots around more than glad to accomodate you :> and as for bio being some random server, well, thats your opinion :>
when you promised to give me prv pass if i won you in 3on3, jajaja busted!!!1
You can do whatever you want in real life, but internet is a different place. I don't have to explain this to you...
Ofc you make rules, but RULES shouldn't be made just to compensate your inner psychological complexes, but to provide discipline and make everyone happy using the service. It's like a priori-made morality rules in real life. Consider that you are not the only admin and this server doesn't BELONG to you. So you are not in a position to do WHATEVER you want and you should realise these borders yourself.
dude. this server has been running since et started, and i see it as more of an institution than a game server these days. thats why i have kept it going , long after everyone else gave up on et and the shit that comes with it, i admin the server on my own time, not to boost my ego, but cos i enjoy the game and try to keep the server as cheat free and as free of retards as i can, giving players a place to play at a decent skill level, not high, but just a good level. if i hadnt done my bit to keep this server going, there wouldnt be a bio, so please, before you run anymore fucking crap from your obviously misinformed mouth, think before you type, then think some more, then dont even bother typing anything else, cos frankly, i dont know you, and dont give a shit what you think :>

have a nice day.
well if you wouldn't give a shit, would you reply? As far as I observed retards, cheaters weren't the only you banned or kicked, so everything isn't as beautiful as you have written. And it was my point actually, about maturity @ internet etc.
np m8 i will take your duties from now on, pmme ref and prv pass and your set to go
nais, better ping on this shit 8D
yeah even some polaks had 100 ping :)
70-74 is fine, had 98 on the other :<
i want oasis, caen and venice! and i want it now!!! ow and railgun would be fun also.
it's enough for me if sombody can shut your mouth!
i want oldskool maps back! b4, radar, sd & gr are getting boring
sw_gr still the best map! idd supply is boring nowadays
Gonna check if I can finally connect..
EDIT: works :D
wp splodgio!
tbh we need a server thats running sw_gr 24/7 8-)
yea. and then more servers with the other maps running 24/7 with 16 or 18 slots! would be perfect imo.
Hope there are not such admins as before who ban you because they play cheatbusters. Anyway, it's nice to see some news about public servers in the times when you get told from everywhere that this game is dead.
Sleep with kevlars dirty socks!
Nice. But could you change the fact that your m_yaw HAS to be 0.022? Why does that server have it anyway? ;x
thank fuck you didnt put venice on it you bum
"Thanks to Mrozu which helped me with configuration of the server and spent hours on it"

you missed that line in your news!:P

thinking of putting the new oasis or special delivery on soon?

Could be fun
gets my vote gem, pm the shit outa splodge till he changes it :P thats what i usually do :P
nothing will ever beat efterlyst
telenet as good as bio imo!
house warming gifts can be addressed to me np
nice move starzi
ROTFL @ main news imo
ye would be better if ur bust is @ main
gj starzi :)

ycn do really good servers, so be happy guys =)
i hate agreeing with you hentai :< but starzi jumped to help really quickly and its really appreciated, top bloke,and the server runs real sweet :> cant reccomend them enough tbh .
Quotebut people with the IP/Subnet bans should now be able to use the server without get owned by PBBans

whats the reason behind this?
i didnt get that either :P
what do i do if i keep getting awaiting challenge
(already tried updating pb+pbsetup in pb folder)
stop playing et
stop playing et
i actually just installed it after i quitted it for cod2/4 about 1 year ago

epic fail idd
wow you are so cool
omg xo & bull lost to some shitty game :(
please please please set alliespawn at braundorf to 20 seconds -.-

Maybe this time.

Edit: please
Welcome bio keval my lover ::D!
n1 , 2 days without bio = my dead :X

WB BiO !!^^
BiO <3 gw guyz
Now Telenet has to be fixed and then its fine again
We want Venice! We want Venice! (mostly because it would be entertaining to watch the flame, which is the nearest I can get to playing ET atm, but Venice is actually a decent public map, and I beat idle on it in competition once :D)
sp_delivery in it? the good old new incumming cupmap :)
this server suck balls...
the old one maybe had alot of lags but atleast had a decent ping, in this one i got 400++++
moved again :s
ok, next make it objective instead of sw and then pm me the priv pw x)
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