ESL 3v3 Spring Cup: Helix vs. empuLse

image: teaser_xifre In just a few minutes the first quarterfinal of this seasons first spring cup gets underway.

The road to the finals
Team Helix, known as a stable and strong team are the strong favourites tonight as they take on an unproven empulse team. A roster brimming with German national players, including the captain of hx, riddla, who under performed in the first match against YaC, dropping 1 map. However since then they’ve gained some momentum and looked impressive against a lacklustre Team Lazy, taking an easy win 4:0. This match, will be another waypoint on their road to world domination.

Empulse is another clan with a long illustrious history and are pulling out all the stocks for tonight’s match, as roYal, qti and the recently added player fl3x take centre stage.

Teams: Germany empuLse vs. Team Helix Europe
Time: Finished
Maps: ET Ice, SupplyDepot2
ESL News:
Result: 2 - 4 (hx won)
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