A Personal Invitation

image: kreapdf
After a long journey in Enemy Territory..
it's time to move....back ?

Jawohl! As some of you might already noticed it, the days where we put hours and hours of dedication and commitment into Enemy Territory have been long gone. Every day, we get more and more frustrated with the game's rather 'unusual' aspects, eventually turning the game itself into our worst enemy.

But those days are over now ! We have decided to go back to RTCW, where it al began and from where Kreaturen have built up their name. After putting it to the test with the team we now have, we expect it to be the most amusing and enjoyable way of closing the RTCW/ET chapter. Besides playing RTCW we will keep on playing ET ofcourse, like we did for the past 2 years together.

We signed up for the Clanbase 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2005 and, if possible, when there is a dropout in the Warleagues Season XII we will join there.

It would be fun to see all of you joining the RTCW Clanbase OpenCup and enjoy this game now we still can. Ofcourse the game itself is as great as you can get, but it would be even more better if all of you people out there signed up your clans to participate in the RTCW Opencup. Let's get a RTCW revival started!

This does, however, not mean we're quitting ET!
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