rewind - MesQ1 speaks!

rewind is a name that has littered RTCW and ET history for all the right reasons, in RTCW their unbeaten run was unsurpassed and in ET their team was the foundation of the Dignitas lineup.

But when the new rewind ET lineup came about they were not met with welcoming arms, and more recently they have been on the receiving end of a fair few flames.

However this week David Beckham returned to rewind, in the shape of United Kingdom RazZ the dazzling summer cup winner has gone back to the theatre of dreams and the question now is, are rewind serious contenders for the upcoming season? I caught up with the outspoken Belgium MesQ1 who himself has only just returned to the team!

MesQ1 on rewinds roster changes
QuoteWe wanted to recruit 1 more good player so we recruited razz which will hopefully give us more teamplay and aim we are hoping now to get quite a good result in EuroCup , we have been praccing alot to prepare for this and I hope we will do good in it

MesQ1 on his own departure and return
QuoteThe reason I left Rewind was because I had problems I thought it was best for the team if I left but it wasnt so 1 week later they took my back so we could get the skill we had achived when I was in Rewind

MesQ1 on the ET community
QuoteWe dont care about the ET community because they never gave us a chance to prove ourselves

MesQ1 on Clown and his soap opera departure
Quote He was a great player no doubt about that. But the communication was just bad he was always whining about something what was totally not needed , and it was irritating us and since we had allready 6 very active player we kicked him. But its very low too talk this bull**** about us, cuz we were always nice too him.

The roster changes have left rewind looking like this in preperation for the upcoming winter season:

Germany Riddla (cl)
Germany Sec
Belgium MesQ1
United Kingdom RazZ
Switzerland Rapt6rr
Netherlands Kris
Estonia asd
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