Acer Challenge - Komacrew win
7 Jun 2008, 11:42
Sooooo many games today ladies an gentleman at home.
On the one hand we have the Acer Challenge, a CoD 4 only tournament. But then we have the dutch ESWC qualifier taking place today also. That means a lot of action in Trackmnia Nations, Quake 3 and Warcraft 3. Still we focus on the Acer Challenge and the CoD 4 tournament, but expect some coverage for the other games aswell, just like the QuadV Live stream.
- Standings
- Admin Blog
- Acer Challenge Gallery
- QuadV Livestream
Call of Duty 4:
Grand Final:
Komacrew 2 -1 H2k QuadV Livestream
3rd place Match:
serious 1 - 2 sample this
Latest Results
Komacrew 2 - 1 sample this
H2k 2 - 1 serious
Quake 3:
Vo0 1 - 2 IF22
the one which is used for ESWC
EDIT: Did a quick speed check and with a 60 second buffer time it gets to just less than 50% buffered a minute after hitting the 'play' button, so I guess I'm getting about half the required bandwidth for the video streaming. Either way, when it actually starts it plays for about 10 seconds then crashes.
e: needs more quake
was an awesome event, want to thank tosspot cash and deman and ofcourse morg and kleine!!! it was great guys! cya soon <3
vacant next time tosspot!
(we had a good 6h sleep this morning, don't worry :] )
thx from H2kfor the event and good job!