Acer Challenge - Komacrew win

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Sooooo many games today ladies an gentleman at home.
On the one hand we have the Acer Challenge, a CoD 4 only tournament. But then we have the dutch ESWC qualifier taking place today also. That means a lot of action in Trackmnia Nations, Quake 3 and Warcraft 3. Still we focus on the Acer Challenge and the CoD 4 tournament, but expect some coverage for the other games aswell, just like the QuadV Live stream.

- Standings
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- Acer Challenge Gallery
- QuadV Livestream

Call of Duty 4:
Grand Final:
Netherlands Komacrew 2 -1 France H2k QuadV Livestream

3rd place Match:
Netherlands serious 1 - 2 Netherlands sample this

Latest Results
Netherlands Komacrew 2 - 1 Netherlands sample this
France H2k 2 - 1 Netherlands serious

Quake 3:
Netherlands Vo0 1 - 2 Netherlands IF22
moooooooore Netherlands
seriously? i dont have a fucking clue :D
the one which is used for ESWC
Don't suppose there's a chance of getting audio-only streaming? There's no way in hell I can watch a video stream here...

EDIT: Did a quick speed check and with a 60 second buffer time it gets to just less than 50% buffered a minute after hitting the 'play' button, so I guess I'm getting about half the required bandwidth for the video streaming. Either way, when it actually starts it plays for about 10 seconds then crashes.
when is Vo0 playing?

e: needs more quake
wtf reload is doing there? :p
failing.. online only
lol, didnt even know you had some random nub team attending. nice failing.
gl devilheart!
gl devilheart!
gl devilheart!
need more q3 matches pls
the link to KomaCrew.cod in the standings table is leading to the old lineup (now Speed-Link.cod)
Come on H2k !
Vo0 lost? Pretty impressive.
was thinking the exact same
LEKKKKKKER KC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice final :)

was an awesome event, want to thank tosspot cash and deman and ofcourse morg and kleine!!! it was great guys! cya soon <3
Didn't even need the tournament, deman knew the results before it even started.
xDD hah:D iddd
If I can do the same for AEF I will be very impressed!
ty for the weekend, ul for us in the final, should have won this one :P
vacant next time tosspot!
(we had a good 6h sleep this morning, don't worry :] )
thx from H2kfor the event and good job!
wauw i still didnt sleep since friday night 06:00 till 09:00 hahaha, the lan was great.. im goin to bed finally now.. parteh timez over
no herbal, no lan.
too bad :/
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