Sander "Vo0" Kaasjager invited for ESWC finals

Last weekend the Dutch Electronic Sports World Cup qualifiers took place, featuring various talented players from the Kingdom of The Netherlands battling it out to qualify for the ESWC Grand Finals held at the NVISION event in United States of America San Jose later this year.

In a close and exciting final the experienced and extremely talented Quake 3 Arena player Netherlands Lemmy "if-22" de Groot defeated Painkiller champion and Dutch gaming celebrity Netherlands Sander "Vo0" Kaasjager, securing an ESWC invite for if-22, as well as a fully financed trip to San Jose.

Today Wsquared Media, the company organizing the Dutch ESWC qualifiers has however announced a second invite for a Quake 3 Arena player to be available, which has been given to Vo0 who ended second at the qualifying event. This invite does not include travel expenses, however this should not be an issue for the highly decorated Dutch player.

Other games featured at the ESWC Grand Finals are Trackmana Nations, Warcraft III, Defense of the Ancients and Counter-Strike 1.6.

Gamelux news article (in Dutch)
1st omg

[e] ESWC for vo0
they've got NVC on the list too, thats the most important thing
ex wsw & etqw player? rofl :d
nVc owns :p
he fails @ vq3
yea i was invited but as much as i would like to go and play with some of the best players ever to play the game, i had to turn it down as I have 3x TF2 events to goto with TLR: i34, pcgamer and.. yours :P or rather, i didnt have to turn it down as i was offered the support.. but the prizemoney for pcgamer alone is £15,000 first place so go figure.

(this list must be quite old as it was a while ago)
so they pay your travel? if yes then give ur spot to me!
eswc don't no XD
oh >_<, is tf2 funneh?
its good ^^
never tried it :l
you should, its similar to ET in that its 6v6 and you respawn on a similar timelimit

different classes including medic
He was invited for the ESWC Masters not the global finals right?
awesome! gogo vo0!
Yea! Go vo0! : )))
ye why not
watched the demos, he doesnt look all that convincing in vq3.

Demos of ESCW
i think they invited him for his name
After doing some reading up , it sais on the dutch site he only started playing Q3 vq3 a month or so ago, so I think he'll do fine :D On the other side he always used to be very movement based in pk, wsw and cpma. vq3 is much more strategy and positioning afaik
vq3 is just about pussying around the map and camping with hitscan weapons.

I think everyone who has liked to play PK/CPM, as well as I and vo0, thinks that vq3 is very frustrating becouse atleast I wanna rush and attack agressively, but it's not really an option in vq3 :(
agreed. if it was cpma instead of vq3, it would be eazy bash for him.
I never watched quake and fell asleep but those ESCW demos surely did the trick. Better then ETQW when it comes down to curing insomnia :'(
thats because vq3 is a lame suckass gameplay
It certainly looks that way. Its basicly the same game as cpma with bigger maps, slower movement, slower weaponswitches resulting in one big boring game with action/time ratio that's even lower than ET :(
I wonder if this spot would have been offered if if-22 finnish second? Although in all honesty i wouldn't blame ESWC, as they can probalbly market players suchs as VoO a lot more succesufully, which helps to create a better image for the tounrement..
I agree with you on these points :)
that's surely true but for spectator, i guess that's a good point as well.
VoO is a legend :)
vo0 is simply the best for me =)
QuoteWaarom remove je mijn post?

Ik zal het nog een keer posten maar dan iets netter.

Het begon allemaal toen Vo0 seed 1 kreeg voor de ESWC Kwalificatie. Vo0 heeft 0,0 gepresteerd in Quake3 ten aanzien van if-22 (seed 5) die toen Quake3 helemaal hot was alles heeft gewonnen binnen Nederland en buitengewoon goed heeft gepresteerd op 's werelds grootste toernooien.

Vo0 mag dan enorm goed gepresteerd hebben in Painkiller maar dat spel heeft niets weg van Quake3.

Nu, 5 dagen na de ESWC kwalificatie komen jullie met een post waarin staat dat jullie Vo0 de 2e spot geven. Hij moet wel zelf betalen maar who cares, zo moeilijk is het niet om een sponsor te regelen.

Trieste bende allemaal, als Gamelux een nieuwspost had gemaakt 1/2 weken voor de kwalificaties waar in stond dat de nummer 2 ook naar San Jose mag gaan was er geen probleem, maar nee 5 dagen na het evenement komen jullie met de mededeling dat de nummer 2 ook mag gaan.

Al met al is het een trieste tering bende.

Gamelux heeft zichzelf weer goed op de kaart gezet en bewijst hier maar weer eens mee dat ze Vo0's zijn kont weer eens likken!
(Niets negatief over Vo0 want ik was denk ik zelf ook blij geweest als ik deze kans had gekregen).

De manier waarop is incorrect en het laat nogmaals zien hoe onprofessioneel de Nederlandse toernooi organisatoren zijn.

Weer een deuk voor de Nederlandse gaming scene.

Way to go gamelux.

this man speaks the truth
I guess he does.

I am very happy to see another spot open for a Dutch Q3A dueler because I've really enjoyed watching the final between if-22 and Vo0 at the Dutch ESWC qualifiers last weekend, however it would have been smarter for Wsquared to announce the availability of two spots before the tournament was played out, that way we would have most likely seen more people compete at the qualifiers at the same time.
yeah but forever his opinion is a lil bit biased tho.
he is raging because if he knew that there would be 2 slots he would have played.
voo is just a legen :d
hello fanboy
legend - it's trash @ q1 / q2 . others - just good players
good for you
like somebody still cares about mister kaaskop
News suck imo, more attention to Journals :D
if vo0 trains like he did in his PK period, he should be able to compete amongst the top players in the world. And I think he might just do that.
he hates vq3
gl Vo0
izi bash for Netherlands bullvox
Vo0 will be back on track soon ;)
Kaasjager... What a name..
hmm, its boring but if you get a good run off the spawn it brings back motivation... if you dont... you want to /emo
does kaasjager mean cheese hunter in English or doesn't it have an actual meaning?
literally, yes
thx, some Dutch is really similar to German then. :)
so overrated.. we need czm & zero4 !
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