Busy times in the GamesTV.org stable

[img|left]http://www.gamestv.org/images/links/small_3d.gif[/img]It's the lull before the storm, and the folks over at GTV have been going about their work with a degree of industry before the coming OpenCup, and Warleagues season. The site has been constantly tweaked and upgraded over the past few weeks without throwing up much noise at all, and so I took it upon myself to ask gamestv's development man, Germany Arni, just how things were going exactly.

[*] We've seen updates to the site, such as the layout, and other new features, is this part of one big gtv makeover in anyway, and what is left to be done?

arni: Yes during the past few weeks quite a lot has changed in the visual apearance of the page as well as we've added new features to the site. We thought it was about time to give the old layout a freshup which favours bigger screen resolutions. We are constantly working on new features and design improvements, so keep your eyes open ;-)

[*] Throughout its history, gtv has stuck with enemy territory, despite moving from the domain ettv.org --> gamestv.org. How soon do you expect it'll be until other games are introduced int othe schedules, and what games to you expect to go to first?

Arni: At the moment no broadcasts for other games are planned - apart from contacts to the cod(2) scene we are simply missing some people who know the other scenes and could get things going - so for now no other games apart from et are planned but are always welcome.

[*] And if you had the people in place to make it happen, it'd be CoD2 and any others?

Arni: We've had talks to people from cod2 (missing a broadcast tool at the moment) but also brief talks to people casting cs(s) with hltv - as i said, we are open for everything that might come but the gamestv management is only involved in et at the moment - we are currently comfortable with beeing the number1 source of ettv.

[*] Finally, have you been getting any sense of recognition for your services from the big name sites, for example ggl.com, esreality, etc?

Arni: I think the fact that the whole community links our schedule (which they are free to do, check out our new buttons) gives us quite some recognition in the scene, whever there is some big event in the scene, we are the ones to ask for coverage, on the other hand we want to stay fully autonomous which im my opinion secures our agility to respond to changes.

Quote[/i]Check out all the happenings over at gtv.
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