Packard Bell Questionaire

image: UK_eswc_PB_468x60
Packard Bell, one of the leading PC brand in Europe, official PC supplier of the Electronic Sport World Cup (ESWC) and ipowergames e-sports tournaments invites all gamers across Europe to take part in a short, 15 questions, gaming survey.

Packard Bell commitment towards gaming communities has been amply demonstrated by the numerous sponsoring of famous teams and e-sports events. (ESWC, 4Kings, Antwerp eSports Festival, ipowergames, CDC4). Today, Packard Bell needs the community’s voice.

The survey will help Packard Bell to determine what gamers want the most from their PC, and what would be the best possible configuration for the gaming community. It will only take a few minutes, and it will help Packard Bell to have a much better understanding of the gamers’ expectations.

A random drawing will reward 16 participants with the Eclipse MP4 Player from Packard Bell and 14 others with ESWC Masters tickets. Your judgement matters to us!”

Take the survey here
Its more
Packard Hell
thats what my dad always says :D
Than you have a smart dad!
:D ye i kinda think the same about packard
did anyone else put Packard Bell computers as 1 by classification of importance?
Packard Brol (dutch word for rubish) if you ask me. Had a PB-system for 2 years, my motherboard exploded just two weeks after my warranty had expired. They didn't want to take it back..

Before that my GFX-card also decided to blow up himself. Had to wait two weeks untill some of their mechanics came by, when he arrived at my home he saw that he hadn't even brought a new GFX card with him so he simply installed a new motherboard.. In the end it almost took them one month to repair my PC???

You can also have a look at this nicely overpriced piece of shit.

image: ipower-image

Costs about 1700 EUR if i'm not mistaking, they designed especially for gamers, yet a home-built 800 EUR system has a way better performance.

Really, they might sponsor a lot of gaming tournaments, but the systems they produce are overpriced pieces of crap. Leading PC brand my ass, shitmongols.
so fill in the survey :D All I care about for my gaming system is the performance and the upgradeblity + you want to assemble it yourself rather then using a retail pc.
Already filled it in yesterday ;D euverdraaaaaif
Will they actually send the prizes this time?

I heard some ppl are still waiting for some PCs ;-D
I see what you did there! :-)
And some people got the wrong pcs!
one of the leading PC brand in Europe

lol, who are you kidding?!??!

and stop spamming with packard bell...its annoying atleast
so true!
packard bell leading LOL.

Only noobs buy packard bell ;P
packard bell, leading PC brand for soccer moms
Hoi, ik ga je nu een berichtje terug sturen op ugame, want dat was ik vergeten!
Join ook ff de EK-groep. :)
JA MAAR... JA MAAR.... oke
it is obvious Tosspam started spamming not only with banners but also with news now ....

lame lame....
its obvious that you're a douche.
nice buying your insults from killerboy
alteast im not spamming whole site with lameass packard bell...
No you're spamming it with flame instead, Packard bell at least helped this site by giving us PC's for CDC4, what have you ever done?
buy cluepons when flaming CB / ESL / xfire etc
I don't like their products, but it's a good thing they sponsor e-sports teams and tournaments.
Thank you for taking part in this survey.

Thank you for sponsoring CDC
"how many games do you play?"

in a day?
in a year?
while taking a dump?
thats what my dad always says :D
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