eSports Weekly Episode 3

image: esports_smalleSports weekly a new show from Wipido, Xleague and QuadV bringing you your weekly 'dabble' with all things competitive gaming has returned for episode 3.

On this weeks show we talk about all things Swedish as Dreamhack Summer concludes in style, we've action from SK's match against Fnatic, and Rocaat's match against MYM aswell as an indepth sit down with Warcraft 3 hero, Grubby!

As always I'm eager to hear your thoughts and feedback on this weeks show, so please keep them coming! You can watch this weeks show HERE
yay should be a good watch! :)

edit: i think maybe you could add some small documentaries follow different teams each week, go deeper into what they do etc - only a suggestion but i think it would be cool
sexy tossi in action :O
you should have some papers in your hands and when switching the topic you could go on to the next paper, it would make the pauses look less awkward. other than that, great job
nice to watch
Kind of disapointing show. I was expecting some ET News, OC and EC finals, and maybe even something about cdc. If you decided to leave the news from ET out, i can see why - it hasn't exactly been the best of seasons, however i think this probably will be the last "serious" competitive ET year which in my opinion deserves coverage regardless.

Don't get me wrong; I do think your show is pretty entertaining, but since i don't play any of those games you mentioned competitively, most of the information is pretty irrelevent to me, and i guess it's the same for most of this community considering (or at least in my opinion) this is a ET / RTCW site.

I enjoyed the Grubby interview though, so keep up the good work.
Quotecompetitive ET

that is eSports Weekly.
ET is lovely but its not an eSports game. Check the filter to see this isnt ET news.
since when is ET no eSports game? everygame which is played competitively is an eSports game.

EDIT: you should egt a job as football shoutcaster :D
eSports title is given to games that are regularly played at competitive lans, which ET is not - at a guess ;)
Well, eSports or not, having a small bit of ET news wouldn't hurt would it? More people would watch your show i guess, and it's not like ET has been getting much coverage latey - Would be nice to see some considering EC is ET's most prestigious event on this years calander, - or supposed to be :P

Just a suggestion :)
ET is dead thats why
ur not very smart, are you?
"ET is lovely but its not an eSports game" I dont belive you wrote this... :/
well done once again, but still waiting for cdc5 newspost.
I think you were better on episode 2 than this one.
Really good show again, and alot of improvement has been from the first show. And a really good interview from grubby I like it very much.

Keep up the good work Tosspot (and the crew behind the camera?) <3

ps. faster stream would be nice ;-)
Not sure on the issue with the stream, always ran fine. Maybe its a UK based site with bad routing? :x

Anyhow, good show agian cept that mistake with speed-link. Was good question to grubby about SC2, nice to see he isn't overly confident he will be an instant star in it.

Even mentioned my vod <3
I'm eager ^^
You should have more cameras so you can do dramatic "Moving on" turns :>

I just like watching pretty boys like you pronounce gaming terms.
interesting news!
was nice to spec those games live, DH is awesome :P
stuart u look fat!
O My Fuckin God, this is not normal, its just a game.
getting better and better, good stuff!
Good Job (:

One suggestion is that when you mention an URL, like in this case, you should have it written on the screen somewhere.
the grubby interview <3 <3<3
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