EC XVII ET Grand Final Tonight!

image: ecbw4

After many matches, some forfeits and a column by TosspoT, our current EC season is coming to a close. What many people expected to be a fantastic season, has turned out to be a disappointment, after dropouts due to lack of motivation, many losses due to what is clearly a lack of practice, and even removal from the cup due to the likes of Poland gnajda! We can only hope that what remains in the final will please both the players and the spectators, and redeem what has so far been a poor season.

The lineups of the teams will be:
Germany megaProGaming
Latvia Clown
Germany wEAK
Germany butchji
Germany haZer
United Kingdom razz
Austria potter

Europe Impact
Malta toxic
Germany sNoOp
Germany drago
United Kingdom Mztik
Estonia Reload
Spain Winghaven

As the lineups show, impact have been forced to use a merc due to what Malta toxic has stated is summer inactivity. Whether or not this will be a deciding factor in the outcome of the match is yet to be seen.

Match predictions from the following people can be seen below:

United Kingdom hentai: I'd have to say that as brilliant as some of the impact players, missing certain core players and most certainly showing a lack of practice, the result will favor mpg. 4:2 to mpg

United Kingdom Mztik: Well it's difficult to say both teams haven't been practicing with very few officials. Both teams have allstar line ups and what it's going to come down to in the end isn't really who's the better team but rather how many players are on/off form. In the end however it's going to be a close game regardless and hopefully the coverage and some clutch players will make it all the more entertaining. 4:2 to impact

Finland Matias: It is really hard to say which team is gonna win, because both teams have very skilled and experienced players. Impact is unbeatable at maps where spam is important, but if it comes to aim then mpg will be stronger. As far as i know mpg have practiced a bit and impact hasn't at all. 4:2 to mpg

Croatia gmx: Both teams are capable of winning, they've both got skilled players, but since I didn't see either of them praccing a lot last few weeks I guess experience will make the difference tonight. 4:0 to impact

Whilst the predictions show relatively contrasting results, it's worth noting that impact will need to win twice against mpg in order to win the EC, due to coming to the final from the lower bracket.

ETTV servers can be found at gamestv to watch the match.
Tune into a shoutcast with United Kingdom TosspoT here.

Set 1: Europe Impact 3:1 Germany mpg
Set 2: Europe Impact 4:0 Germany mpg

EuroCup XVII Final Standings:
Impact Gaming
Overload gaming
Butchji, Weak, hazer, snoop, drago...what is wrong with you?! :/
wEAKK doesn't watch football and the others are forced to.
We all know Germany is going to lose, so no use to watch the match, just accept it and go on with ET!
Uhhh, what?
ähm whats happening to nl atm?
scheiß geeks :D
naja ich auch vllt, weil ich zuhause gucke
aber ich hab kopfweh :(
soccer is the most overrated sport in history of humanity. im glad we are playing et tonight, h3h3
It's called football.
forced match n stuff
who cares about football
People who have explored the beauty of this world. :P
Good answer:P
should be interesting to watch. glad to see some mixed opinions on it.
gl to both, hoping for a great game
4-0 mPG
i have bet everything on mpg
all or nothing :>

hopefully its gotta be a great game
where is Night !?!?!?!?! =(
impact's lineup is quite similiar to the one from the start
mztik hax aim - very nice.
where is night?
np for butchji
mPG 4:0 'i
is it possible to watch the match on stream cuz im not at home :<
stop raping ET
I can merc for you impact.
haha, no thnx we don't need to see cheaters in finals
butchji and razz are cheaters too, i want my refund
atleast they try to hide it, unlike you...
woo Winghaven @ Impact :D
wow, now your a cb admin you should stop supporting cheaters like perfo
This retard is a cb admin? :|||
tja beetje donex and barti's kontje likken en je wordt cb admin
butchji i wish you the best of luck :)
GL Mztik
cheers Max ;p
gl mztik and tox!
no way, watchin football
rly exciting well played impact : O )

Ps. Tosspot you are really the best shoutcaster<3
2nd time I see you trying to teach English, failed really hard.
shit final
One of the best i have seen :<
grats to impact
Never got exciting (wp i).

Thanks for casting TosspoT, though it was a bit annoying to have you comment on Por-Ger two minutes after everything in that game happened. :P
Nice react from the CB admin.
gg steve at side was amazing. fantastic match
gg drago & wing :-(
What's wrong with it, if I may ask? Atleast I'm not trying to teach anybody.
ggs deserved. ;)
please continue..
There's still ESL EMS.
ravage i guess?
Thx for my Gbooky :]
Thanks for the lesson.
kid dickhead lol trollining lol edit fucking trollining kid fucking english
3:0 impact
4:0 impact
omg razz you fat mutherfucker :/
impact played rly well tonight, mpg has no chance. Gratz impact and wp mpg.
gj drago&mztik <3
gg but season still sucked lul :(
Nice one failing Ludwig!
weeeeeeeeeeak :(
buen juego winghaven =)

p.s: awesome game =D, btw where is Night?
had to work
very wp snoop awesomes frag <3
mpg should have kept snoop ;D
and drago XDDD but snoop should be feeling happy now :D he won against a clan that "kicked" him :XD
but he's an idiot so its understandable they kicked him and took razz and potter because they are nice
du bist halt n opfer
beispiel: silvester "party" mit et'lern
joa das stimmt allerdings

Germany wEAK as piss effort mgp :<

wd i guess toxalot!
snoop was the one player who owned gnajda. He's really good.
fair enough
care, waz fusbal !
DRAGOOOO! \\o \o/ o//
wp wing xd

Replay available (played on demand 104 times)

nice :p
need demos and shoutcast download-links plx!
thnx for the money impact, was easy to predict u will win
impact will fail because of wing :XXXx
weakest ec so far imo :x
weak idd.
weakest sadest ec so far imo :x
So FF almost won an EuroCup :D
they shouldve won it!
yeah they were up to date with ad-ware soft
"As the lineups show, impact have been forced to use a merc due to what toxic has stated is summer inactivity."

phail :<
gl Impact
n1ce games
NICE , I won 2000 at gamestv :dd now I have 3000 ;p
jiji games
fake final ? :O
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