W:ET Map source files released

To celebrate Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory's five years birthday Splash Damage and id Software have today released the source .map files for the six original maps of the game (Battery, Oasis, Fueldump, Goldrush, Radar, Railgun). With these source files map makers can now change these maps to their liking.

Quote by Splash DamageWe are happy to announce that we have received approval from Kevin Cloud over at id Software to release the source maps that we created during our development of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. This is a belated present to mark Wolf:ET's fifth birthday that we reported on last month. The package is a modest 6 Megabytes in size and includes source .map files for all six of the officially released maps.

This is great news for the competitive community as map makers can now freely make changes to the stock maps in order to make them more competition friendly.

News article on the Splash Damage website
Download link of the map source files
it just might be????
Well, that's good.
now can we finally play them? those originals where just the best
no, most of those maps were made for 30+ public servers
these maps do have something beside shooting
in oasis you need to split with ur team and get a real tax, and knowing the map good, been more focus on the ob
on braundorf its nade throught wall and you won the map
And they were never finished properly. I'm not a map coder but afaik there's still a lot of fps optimization that can be done (coding the map better so parts of the map you cant see aren't rendered)
radar for example should get some fixes, railgun 2
Don't, don't go there. Radar is the best map .
it's about fps optimization, not about changing anything.
It's optimized enough, if your PC doesn't cut it, then it's your own fault. Every modern PC runs Radar without any hiccups.
i got 125 fps anywhere, it won't be helpful for me, but maybe for others.
For whom? I think it is more of a waste of time to be honest. Rather fix the maps that have issues, gameplay issues.
time for sw_battery, sw_oasis, sw_fuel and sw_railgun imo :)
sw_fuel already exists
bring battery back! :DDDd
Go create some new map !!! SW_coming.soon.pk3
GREAT... finally i can edit something for moviemaking (hi2u2 radar and fueldump)
the "here be dragons stuff?:c"
great timing! only two years too late, but tnx anyways :D
what about goldrush ten -> sw_goldrush?
goldrush was the only map included with gtkradiant
dont touch radar, its the best competition map ever with most diverse strategies and gameplay. There's no ET map which comes close to the perfection that is radar, not even sw_gold and supply which both still have little annoyances. Supply for being a spammers fullhold map and sw_gold for having shit fps on courtyard :P
The thing at the main gate has to do with the ET engine afaik, im not sure if its fixable I remember reading something about it on baniforums.
nice, now give the engine source
if ET engine source code gets released, it will be released under GPL and no punkbuster support of course, so it can't be used in competitions

of course it's a good thing that engine code gets released as it would allow coders to do new games based on it or other fun projects (movie making improvements for example), but for competition it's pretty much useless
What happened to all the third party anti cheat efforts?
its Q3 engine which was already released some time ago
Sw_Railgun plx
Not much fps to be gained as its mostly big open spaces, you need walls that block off the view of other parts of the map. But again im no map coder
decem its time to get your oasis going!
Yeah, the idea of putting an allied advanced spawnpoint would make the map much more ETpro-like. You need a faster, tighter game so pushing the allied spawnpoint ahead would be awesome, along with the old 20 sec respawn time.

The second part needs a lot of work and I wouldnt use sw_oasis as a model to improve on. It only made the second part worse, maybe add a little more spawnprotection like they did with sw_gold, but the closed back would suck if allies spawn that far ahead.

I would start from the old oasis, add the flag and make some changes. I see no reason to connect the two guns. I would keep the door from axis spawn => mg, but I wouldnt move the mg ladder like sw_oasis did, and remove the whole backentrance crap like they did. I'm sure there could be some other changes but making a beta with the advanced spawn would be a great start.
if two teams with the same skill play oasis will most probs finish in a fullhold they need to change tha till theres away to make attacking easier.

+ they need the suprise factor in the map. abit of lotto would do the map some good.
no lotto is shit tbh
but in a map like that would make it more interesting and much more watchable.

like radar you have the lotto factor!
You dont want to change the maps to make them more enjoyable for the viewers, seems like the wrong starting point.

The reason why radar is my favored map is cause it never gives you the same game twice, which is something you cant say about all these linear maps like grush / sd2 ... its pretty much the same all the time.
True, actually Fueldump would be the perfect map, if you shortened it up a bit :)
thats just propably because radar isn´t played that much
i said something about goldrush? Anyways each map could be done like oasis, but the original files are way better.
nice to hear.
so finally they can release the other 6 maps we heard on the splash damage forum years back they particialy developed but never included in W:ET when it was released - they should be still on a programmers computer somwhere waiting to be finished - RELEASE the codes for them so a mapper can finsh them :/ PLEASE
thats interesting!
yea and some of the old versions of fueldump to!
fix oasis !!!
5 years to late.
Nice, use this.
:D cant wait to play et again (just 1 week then school is over :D)
Yes, 6 new map for ETQW :)
We need a Germany eiM
seems as if I'll have a new job for the summer holidays xD
Hopefully ETpro releases their code2 :)
its good, but afther 5 years ?
What was wrong with giving it earlier.
I doubt this is gonna change alot.
Well, for one thing the maps are a fundamental part of the game, if they would have released them in like a year after the game itself was released people would just port them to RTCW and stick to that. Not much if an issue seeing W:ET was released for free, however id Software probably maintains a clear policy regarding the open sourcing of materials used in their games.
this is awesome news, gonna get to work on a new oasis immediately :P, always wanted to see how railgun was made.. without the buggy use of debsp.
oasis pls
what? So there are 6 maps waiting to be released? :O
get comprehension skillz plz
Quote by halso finally they can release the other 6 maps we heard on th

Quote by safariYes, 6 new map fo

The text is about the sorce files I know, but the comments are about new unreleased maps ;/
yep true the topic here is about the source code but still WE WANT THE LOST MAPS and if you study the following link carefully than you might notice that they actually foreshadowed that they (sd) would release the "lost maps" with the source code of the regular maps but well ...


I still don't get why people want the maps that were worse than the six maps that we did get. :P
Curiosity I guess, wouldn't you like to know what the other 6 maps were like? They were only worse than others because they didn't have time to complete them.
correct - modern or better, current mappers could use the layout of the maps or develop the ideas behind these maps - but sure curiosity is a big factor - its true it drives me a bit crazy - i want to know - and those maps where not tested with current mods or modern configs - who knows maybe one out of six could be a great edition for the current mappools - i mean the chances are here - and i want to see for myself - i dont care if textures or or more is missing - i am sure they would be worth my while - look at oasis radar gold - if chances are that even only one of those six is just 70 percent as good as one of the original maps it would be 100 percent better then any other current custom map we know today - yeah supply braundorf jadajadajdada - point take but still I WANT TO SEE THEM.

Level Design
Matt 'Wils' Wilson Lead Level Designer
Simon 'sock' O'Callaghan Senior Level Designer
Mark 'nakedape' Fry Designer / Writer
Thomas 'Q-Fraggel' Creutzenberg Level Designer
Chris 'SHoD' Farcy Level Designer / Artist
"Lloyd 'LloydM' Morris Level Designer
Lee 'Llama' Mercer Additional Level Design

tell us .....
woo :D cant wait to see what people can come up with
the secret mountain hiding place ?!?!?!?
Sounds good but it wont change the state of ET.
wow after 5 years...finally
yep i hate that bug too -.-
I want new nice maps made by the developers :<
time for new railgun COMING!
Oasis textures should be made a bit darker, and fps fixes would be nice too.
after getting a fixed oasis and railgun, I believe we can have some nice mappools finally after all these years, lately the maps have been so dull.

oasis_de (!:D) - link to thread about changes.
theres nothing wrong with railgun!
I agree, though the white snow can be annoying from time to time. (havent played railgun in 6on6 clanmatch with tactics, just mixeds)
no changes for oasis lulz :< best et map ever, and definately cutting the flag attack will make it suck, rly ;<
the current scene doesnt accept oasis as it is now so no point arguing for that.
and its ze shame that nobody plays oasis as it is :<
railgun for fucks sake!!!

and give us the other 6 maps nao!
finally nobody will laugh when i call a vote for railgun
i bet u know where i can find tutorials or anything similar what i need to get started to become a pro-map-designer
no i am just interested how it technically works to design a map, would be nice if can give me some infos :)
Takes years to become any decent.
Technical side is not that hard to learn, the creative side is hard :)


This is a perfect tutorial to learn the basics of Q3-engine mapping.
Did some Q3-maps with it...tried ET-maps but my motivation sucked, so i stopped.

It´s pretty similar to ET, you just have more entities and scripting possibilities in ET...

edit: use GTK-Radiant...
Are there going to be any 'official' changes made to any of the maps to make them more suitable for competition?

By official I mean accepted by leagues and so on, if so who would decide what changes are needed and who will actually do the changes?

Rather than end up with a dozen _te versions of each map by various mappers who will all have their own idea on what is best it maybe an idea to try and cooperate with a few mappers and leagues and clans and so on and try and come to some sort of general consensus on how to improve a said map and work from there.
That'd probably create a better outcome for all involved, yes.
Yeah, shame will never happen though.
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