CoD4 1.7 Patch released

Activision and Infinity Ward have released an update for Call of Duty 4.

+ fixed an exploit that allowed players to access certain console dvars during multi-player matches
+ fixed a crash that could occur when a Chinatown Sabotage match would go into over-time
+ fixed a bug where the MP icons (Bomb, Defend, Capture, etc) were always showing up as English regardless of the install language

You can download new patch from FileFront, FilePlanet or GamersHell
waiting for cod4 patch 5.8
i think that you dont have to wait long xD
too many patches. id prefer more big ones so its not stopping wars for 2/3 days until all servers are patched. a linux one avi this time?
good that they're still caring
caring or not, this is such an amazing game...
something tells me you are ironic
subtle irony is non-existent on crossfire, mate.
tru m8, good point.
Irony is completely different to sarcasm.
They wouldn't be so frequently confused if that were the case.
they should allow to make his name longer :c
nice,finally they fixed some bugs.
bugs are fixed , but not all , it's a finally version?
That is all it changes??
Awesome, can't wait to see 1st game on CODTV =)
It wont happen imo :(
So subtle, I'm impressed
2bad it wont work on ur shit pc
how do i revert game to 1.6? all my favorite servers are still on that version :(
there isnt any downgrade :-(
yes it does and jewish isps are better than the malta ones
omg i just installed 1.6 a few days ago :s
rofl wtf.... ure like football manager
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