ESL Major Series continues!

image: i4oftiWithout much of coverage be it spokenwise in form of shoutcasting or written coverage neither here at Crossfire nor over at, the groupstage of ESL's second 1000€ prized online competition, the ESL Major Series (EMS), following last year's International Premiership Series (IPS), has now ended. Nevertheless, the tournament is not yet over as there is still the final clash to be coming. Though, we can still hope for the great event we expected at the beginning.

With top teams like Impact Gaming, one4one eSports (now re-play), Overload Gaming and mPG still fighting for glory and a piece of cash, the final stage of the EMS should hopefully be a bit more entertaining than this seasons EuroCup and all its problems and issues. But before moving into the final stage, there will be a 'Survival Cup' incoming to determine the last participants for the great final. Let's have a look at the group standings which are posted below:

image: bhi1iw

Teams wearing the little star behind their name are the ones going through to the mentioned 'Survival Cup' whereas Impact Gaming and megaProGaming are already qualified for the final stage.

More information regarding the further cup structure, the dates and the prize distribution can be found in the official news post over at the ESL.
congratulations you fucking owner
old and expected
good work bo.

german news:

gl mpg!
GL FiF & 141
cortana end second because they gave forfeit 2 MPG , tactical :P but gl 2 all!
that is such bullshit. I personally thought we would have to play again vs the two clans because we had the same point count. We wanted to delay our match from 9 to 11pm (after a football match) but they said that they won't have players at that time.
Hey dude don't take it that serious, was just joking :P it doesn't matter :D gl in survival
Nicely formatted post!
Hahahahahaha :'d Necroraisers gl Neo and denton (right ^^?)

gl with the rest of the tournament. & gl to the teams ;)
not Denton & neo play 4 iR
aa yea :D ty ^^
:P but i want iR in survival cup too :(
NR will pwn
nice done bo, keep it up
having a qualification cup, a relegation cup, a groupstage, a survival cup, then a final stage makes the cup kind of boring. Why couldn't you just make quali + group + double elimination ? Then you wouldn't have to bother people with delays and stuff, since you don't make them playing each other like 5 times in the same cup.

cup = word of the day.
+1 its kinda strange that the final part of the game consists out of 4 teams ? while there is a prize for top 3 :D
Did authentic stop playing or why are they only 5th in their group?
they failed :<
cheaters failed :(
hmm, dunno how we are playing. im the only guy from overload who wants to play this.
I can join up if need be.
thanks, but no thanks
We would be the perfect team.
ofc we would
That's a yes then, I suppose.
pro slut avi

pm me!
np 4 Lost Soldiers :D
rly -.-

next time we will be @ the Finals (if we r still alive then) ! :)
ofc micha <3 :)
easy for NR!
ls big joke xD
NR? Wtf this game is dead
2 bad :[
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