eSports Weekly Episode 5

image: esports_smalleSports weekly a new show from Wipido, Xleague and QuadV bringing you your weekly 'dabble' with all things competitive gaming has returned for episode 5.

On this weeks dabble we bring you news of the ESWC, The Blizzard WWI, Time Magazines take on eSports and an interview with Clanbase Director, Mads Ernhart. You can watch this weeks episode here
info info info. Too boring, nothing to watch. You should make it more attractive for people to watch. Long telephone interviews and the endless monologue of yourself do not help at that point. Shorten your points and use more stuff for the eyes.
You made some valid points, though I think the CB interview was really interesting nevertheless.
Slow news week
Im sorry i do not full understand what you mean. As i am not familiar with the TVshow newsweek. Please explain further!
a slow news week is when nothing newsworthy happens so there is hardly anything to talk about (hence you have to talk about more boring / general stuff for longer)
I dont think that is an excuse for a tv show to make endless monologues. The people watching the show should be entertained and informed. However now i only get informed and most of the stuff I dont rlly follow cuz a lot of basic knowledge of all the games spoken of is expected from the viewer. However I know this is something the show is aware of.

The thing i would do is the following. Show more in game highlight footage, keep monologues to a minimal, make the show more interactive for viewers and lighten up the studio a bit as it gets very static after 3 minutes of watching a man talk soleley in abreviations.

edit: The whole dabble line is feeling obliged alrdy and therefore quite corny, not really natural
surely it wouldnt be too hard to have a gaming pundit (oh i dont know, redeye?) to be the mark lawrenson or lee dixon to tosspot's manish bhasin (football focus analogy aeq)

re "dabble" every show should have a hallmark, but i agree it could be altered slightly... maybe different words but in the same spoken style.
This is a news show not an entertainment show, some of what you want are restricted by genre. If you watched last weeks show there was about 3 minutes (out of a 10 minute show) on highlights from WCG Pan America, likewise next week there is a lot of ESWC footage to be had, however on a week like this there was not any footage that I could logistically get.
Thanks anyway
Also, Do i see the autoque changing lines sometimes on your face? I mean the lighting on your face is not constant. Maybe its just something else, but i believe it is the autoque
ooo I will take a look, I actually havent had a chance to watch it yet thanks for the heads up. I'f you've got any more feedback I'd love to hear it, I've got 2 episodes left in the pilot series to play with somethings.
the clanbase interview was great... i strongly disagree, however if you listened in at the end we're getting some ESWC coverage next wednesday ¬_¬
Why do u think i didnt listen till the end? Wouldnt be exactly fair to critisize something when i didnt listen to it till the end. Weird presumption..
I love watching these things, must be said!
nice keep em coming preferred the one before but still gj
Need more ET news... What about cdc 5???
Very interesting to hear the view of the CB Director, so good work there.
this sort of news is getting boring after every release, maybe its just me:<
It just summarizes all happenings during the week?
Nice episode indeed.
good job
you seem confused as to what episode you are on
news worthy ?:D
nice to hear how that "director of clanbase" talks about failures in the past and clanbases steps back from a professional gaming league - "we are rather like a community page than some superserious gaming league" - sounds quite new to me.
might be worth turning the music down a little, its quite fast paced and the base beats did distract me at times :P otherwise, nice :)
eSports weekly a new show from Wipido, Xleague and QuadV bringing you your weekly 'dabble' with all things competitive gaming has returned for episode 3.

Topic title says episode 5.

edit, didn't see foonr. damn you :(
Only the right side for me. : )
i liked it gj!
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