NxM Cup #2 - The End!

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The 2nd edition of the NxM 6o6 Cup has ended some time ago, and I still have to announce the winners for you. In the 2nd cup there were quite alot dropouts in each division, but without counting the droupouts, less forfeits. I'm proud that clans took it more serious now and I saw some great results in the Playoff matches. Unforunately, this will be the last cup these days hosted by me. I'll be inactive till the OC/EC and the WL season is over, and then I might come back with a 3rd edition. But after all, it was a great cup again to manage and there are some nice, and some suprising winners, see them below!

Division 1:
On the 2nd place ended is the Polish clan called FBI - TheSyndicate. They nicely won there 2 other playoff matches vs team-beta(4-2) and vs Polewka Team(4-2). In the final they couldn't take any map against the strong Finnish team mYstic-Gaming - SKIT-EVIL, who won there 2 playoff matches vs team-foundation(4-2) and Fear Factory(4-0). In the final mYs won vs FBI with 4-0 and showed a nice performance for ETTV. The 3rd place went to Polewka team who lost vs FBI and came in the 3rd/4th place match to play vs FF, Polewka won with 3-1. In the last cup we had 2 Dutch teams in the top-3, now we are proud with the Polish teams! Btw, it would be good if CB gives both Final clans a try in the EC as a qualifier team, because they gave a great performance in this cup.

1. Finland mYstic-Gaming aka SKIT-EVIL
2. Poland FBI aka TheSyndicate
3. Poland Polewka Team

Division 2:
In this 2nd division, ultima Ratio overwalked almost each opponent, only vs v3 in the Group match they won with 4-2, the other matches are all won without a single map loose. In the Playoffs, uR won the first match with a forfeit vs emerge and won the Half-Final match vs the Estonian team faith. In the final they faced Disposable (Orange) who won the first playoff match vs eC4 forfeit and suprisingly won the Half-Final match vs the new aD team with 4-2, in the Final they couldn't resist uR and lost 0-4. The match for the 3rd place was won by aD, who easily have beaten faith.

1. Austria ultima Ratio
2. Sweden Disposable Orange
3. Europe angelDust

Division 3:
In this division, we had suprisingly 3 Finnish clans in the Half-Final, so it could be a finnish top-3, but Prodigy, the Benelux team hold CTN off from winning and ended as third. In the final we had 2 finnish clans, the losing team was TheSyndate who won there first 2 playoff matches vs Earthclan(4-0) and Prodigy(4-0), but couldn't stand Glow-Gaming in the Final, Glow won before vs SurV(4-0) and CTN(4-2) and overpowered sYn in the final with 4-0. The match for the 3rd place was won by Prodigy as I already said above, so there wasn't a total Finnish top-3, they win with 4-2 vs CTN.

1. Finland Glow-Gaming
2. Finland TheSyndicate
3. Benelux Prodigy

Division 4:
Last but not least, we also have the 4th division with as winner the European clan Heartbreakers, who won suprisingly vs the Polish Slayers Team (aka Whiners Team) with 4-2. HB first won 4-0 vs log from Poland and after that 4-0 vs the Spain FH in the Half-Final and won the final vs sT. sT won every match before without a single map loose, but they were not good enough to win vs Heartbreakers, sT won first vs tUs(4-0) and in the Half-Final vs BFU. For the 3rd place, BFU and FH faced eachother and the outcome says that BFU won with 4-0 vs FH and is the proud 3rd of this group.

1. Europe Heartbreakers
2. Poland Slayers Team
3. Czech Republic Bloody F* Users

I want to thank on the first place all clans participating in the cup after a thin first cup, and also the people from GTV who broadcasted the Final on ETTV and lunachick who shoutcasted the final. I also like to thank bullvox for doing nothing except helping with the groups and sending ppl to me with questions :P. Thanks to everyone supporting the cup in a good way and hopefully, see you in a next cup!
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