3 Teams 2 Finals and 1 Sun Burnt Caster

That's right ladies and gentleman tonight we have not 1 but 2 Cup Finals for your viewing pleasure in Call of Duty 4. First up is the much sought after ESL Masters Series Season II Cup Final which carries with it a prize of 1500€. Following on directly after that we have the ESL June Summer Cup Final for 1000€.

EMS II Finals - 20:00 CET 9th July - Speed-Link vs Fnatic

Germany Speed-Link reached the finals through the winner bracket without too many problems. They started in the playoffs with a close win against Belgium TEK9 (13-11) but after that they brushed aside United Kingdom Dignitas (13-7) and Belgium LowLandLions (13-6). However with a disapointing result at iPower 08 this weekend some have questioned their true capabilites on LAN. Personally I put it down to stage fright and expect to see more from them in the summer events. Online though you can't knock their results as they have taken on and beaten just about everyone of note in CoD4 to-date.

Sweden Fnatic have had to battle their way through the lower brackets since their loss to Belgium LowLandLions in double overtime 19-16. They have played well ever since though picking up wins against United Kingdom Dignitas (16-14), Belgium TEK9 (13-9) and finally Belgium LowLandLions in a revenge match which once again saw overtime 16-13 on Backlot. On LAN Fnatic would be strong favourites and will almost certainly be challenging this summer at AEF/TEX/I34 for 1st place. Online though they are only 50/50 at best against a strong on form Germany Speed-Link.

750€ - Germany Speed-Link
450€ - Sweden Fnatic
300€ - Belgium LowLandLions

ESL Summer Cup June Final - 21:00 CET 9th July - Speed-Link vs KomaCrew

Germany Speed-Link have blitzed through the Summer Cup without anyone being able to even put a dent in their armour. They brushed aside tonights opponents earlier on in the tournament without breaking a sweat on Backlot (13-8) and then took on a depleated Czech Republic eSuba who lacked both Czech Republic BLX and Czech Republic lucker due to holidays. They will be favourites tonight and will no doubt be on fine form with the EMS Finals played just before this game.

Netherlands KomaCrew met their match in Germany Speed-Link earlier on in the tournament however they were also using stand-in sniper Netherlands kajsk1ng for that game and he had never played on Backlot with KomaCrew. With a fairly successful LAN at iPower 08 representing Holland they managed 2nd place and picked up 5x 22" Monitors. With Netherlands kajsk1ng playing at the event for them they will no doubt be more of a challenge tonight than they were last week.

500€ - Germany Speed-Link
300€ - Netherlands KomaCrew
200€ - Czech Republic eSuba

You can watch both matches live on QuadV TV2 with Deman.

Related Links:
- QuadV Call of Duty Videos
- ESL Masters Series Season II Cup Final
- ESL June Summer Cup Final
- QuadV
A tougher one for you to call tonight TosspoT!
will be watching, should be great.
wp LLL :OO
Hes not sunburnt!!!

Fnatic > SL

But its online, so SL could do better.
yikes nice post
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