SW Battery Hotfix

image: battery_beta2

Today I will start with a little point of view of myself, stating what I think about the Battery competition case.

I am off the opinion that good old Seawall Battery has always been a great map, even for competition. Todays playstyle with much spamm killed the first stage though. The etpromapscripts made the biggest step to get Battery back into competition with making the backdoor blowable and giving the whole back part a sense. But still because the forward beach part of the map is just to uneven the map has not been played in competitions.

My aim with SW Battery is and was to change this, the first stage, and to make it easier for Allies to capture that bunkerflag. I have not and will not change much inside because it simply is not needed.
But I must admit that some of the changes were too much and finally made it too easy for Allies to infiltrate. Also the bunkerstage got too uneven due to the ladder which was thought to be anti flag recap but gave Allies a too big advantage. Keep in mind due to this there can not be too many changes.

Read on to see what I changed back and added again or whats totaly new.

The following are the changes that differ SW Battery from the real original without etpro Mapscripts (backdoor).

http://elitepicturehost.com/viewpic.php?code=2d25f61cd3a561f6517fe2125b544a0c The new Bunker Door allows Allies to infiltrate the Flag Bunker from behind after blowing the door with a dynamite. Therefore the MG does not exist anymore & the upper MG near the flag has been removed. Also the small tunnel exits at the end of the bunker & Axis spawns are set back a bit so they do not spawn near the window.

http://elitepicturehost.com/viewpic.php?code=2a2c5539b0de88e9af7030f3844e7ef0 Backdoor is now blowable by Dynamite and Axis Spawn at the East Bunker as long as the Allies CP is not built. Also Mines have been disabled all over the map. The Backdoortunnel has been made a bit higher because it was just annoying to jump at the roof all the time ;o

http://elitepicturehost.com/viewpic.php?code=0b063269d495df090197964885fe26c8 Some railings have been removed as they are always very annoying in ET: shooting + moving

http://elitepicturehost.com/viewpic.php?code=60566b2f86ab337a9446110236391f4c Allies Beach Spawns are set forward a bit so that they do not spawn in the water anymore which leads to massive spawnkill.

http://elitepicturehost.com/viewpic.php?code=675889aa4d0a043da7d2f5969b41d6fc Several Chokepoints inside the building have been widened to make it more comfortable to move.

All in all these changes do not change much at the map itself but should be exactly what the map needs to be more balanced. You should give it a chance and watch the upcoming showmatches. If you find any bugs or have some feedback post it here as I will leave for holiday very soon.

Following changes have been deleted again:
- Anti Tank Metals are back
- Anti Arty roof @ back made it too easy
- Bunker Ladder made it too eay

You can download the beta 2 here.
And test it on the YCN Gaming testserver as usual:

Thx to everybody supporting me and I hope that this version will get some more positive feedback than the last one =)

Best regards

update: information about showmatches can be found right here
1st nice :>
nice ! 2nd :D
well done!
nice one
Is it just me, or are those screenshots incredibly dark?
standard config :D sry for that
I guess my monitor settings make it look darker than it is then, as all I see is the crosshair.

EDIT: Nice job though, I always liked certain elements of battery, especially the gun control area.
very dark for me aswell.
no wonder you use that nick
sounds nice, worth to give it more than a try :)
- Anti Arty roof @ back made it too easy ?
easy for axis ?
it was not needed. its easy enough without it for allies.
and it didnt do anything imo.. well some help for axis only.
changes looks good this time imo
(6th edit.)
helped allies because no artys at that point... and without mines its too easy
you can set arty behind it from bunker and most of the times it did hit even if you was under that.. and in that point when team is hiding under it its very easy target for rifle..
yeah, but in the end it was rather +-, yet helping allies more. and as it is without mines, its too easy already for allies.
I like that logo! :)
good job listening to the input of the players, rly nice what you made of it now!
eiM, the salvation of ET! gj! ;)
Gj It looks really good now.
Nice job, i allways liked battery also with etproscript without mortar and mines and blowable backdoor it was allready good. But maybe these changes will make it even better. We will see.

Maybe next opencup are more oldskool maplist would be cool ;)


would be my favorite maplist, lots of balance
It is possible to make a new braundorf aswell? Braundorf is good, but it can use some changes
I wouldnt touch braundorf. its only small corridors and camping in the end.
widen corridors and make them uncampable (maybe glass corners or smth). I'm sure there is a way to change gameplay onthis map :)
lol, lets make all walls on all maps a glass
or make all corners round :XD with a diameter of 1+ m
there are enough options and ideas. Braundorf is one of the few maps with loads of close combat.
great idea with glass corners!
we cant change braundorf anyways, no source available.
I remember around a year back, xRio and I were about to create a new braundorf, but the creator never replied my mail back.
imo braundorf is the worst map in et ever :X
thats true, and it cant be fixed without changing the whole map.
Not even changing the whole map. Braundorf is just completely terrible. No worth to change.
b4 ?
worst map evah

tbh i think it has potential... but only with big changes not like sw_battery ... I've often thought about it tbh :D
Needs some major fps increase and allot of different gameplay then what it has now. But you can always try.. :P
lets do your map together :D has more potential :D
If you have time we can always do it xD
ya ofcourse I'd love to do such a project together with another mapper... rly^^
K pm me about it i got a war now.
How come.. what?
on everything. whats so wrong about railgun? and the fps?
Fps is very bad, atleast for me. And I just don't like the gameplay. It's so.... childish.. Saying it in a stupid way but I dont know a better one.
that doesnt explain much.
Yea true, it's hard to explain. But I just really dont like that map.
fps bad, than you have a rly fucked up pc or you cant handle your pc good. For a 5 years old game. And Railgun is a good map only need rly small changes. Most ppl think its crap didnt ever played in competition. I agree with Decem. Small changes can improve the map alot. The same as with battery.
Just like i said before make the spawn from axis abit more forward @ the tower and trainstation. And make the train not moveable bij allies and its ok.
This kind of objective needs a try....
good job mate, it's true that the map only needed some slight changes to make the first stage a bit less hard for the allied team..
hope you'll be working on oasis or railgun next.. now with the possibility of the new mod and these maps ET might just get a bit better after the holidays
good job
well done. Battery has always been a great map to play in wars so we should really bring it back.
can I ask why no mines all over the map?
It has been disabled in most configs.
And planting mines near the ramp is pathetic and uncommon I think
now this is way better, good job
"Several Chokepoints inside the building have been widened to make it more comfortable to move."

will need that when playing with eddo :D
Nice to see the work is happening so fast :D

the bad feedback was good in a way, just helps to finetune the map :)

gonna come and test it later.

eiM, you know we all love you? :_)
I love him the most though!
testing--> once generator is blown u cant open or close bunkerdoor and doors @ guncontrols dont open.. greets from destiny, fabuloz and meh.. :P
thats right bitch! :)
oh yeah and imo allies should be allowed to spawn @ cp... once built.
takes 10 seconds to get to the backdoor from beach.
+1 and bring back landies
it takes 18 seconds.
the first stage is NOT unbalanced i have played many games against even opponents
only noob enemies get raped at the beach and thats how it should be we dont need another lottonest also u get raped in attack if u have no teamplay and or good gamesense / leader
u need to be organized in battery and that seemed to be the problem for many teams
the map plays like no other
im all for variety even if i dont like some maps like sw_camprush_te different kind of maps keep et interesting
edit: even if i came all negative im still happy someone is working the old maps
eiM you are so great!
looks kinda nice...gj
QuoteThe Backdoortunnel has been made a bit higher because it was just annoying to jump at the roof all the time ;o


QuoteSome railings have been removed as they are always very annoying in ET: shooting + moving

QuoteSeveral Chokepoints inside the building have been widened to make it more comfortable to move.

Making a new braundorf?

Imho it feels like you are doing the wrong things, removing stuff you shouldnt remove (forward bunker mg is useless to shoot, but its great cover), changing stuff you shouldnt change. Feels like you ar noobifying the map, could as well make one big flat map without walls.

edit: even if i came all negative im still happy someone is working the old maps
it was annoying
Shut up, those railings were annoying... Especially for multiple people rushes. :l
Yeah ur right, i prefer baserace also!
Not everyone like you can be so pro.
I guess you are right. Lets remake supplydepot second part cause i always hit the ceilings in the cave and I dont know about crouchjumping. I'm sorry for bringing up this arguement, its just no match for your superiour reasoning.
2nd part is your point of view but even with crouchjumping you werent able to jump down there (jump means strafing) ... even now you cant do that but its better than before^^
good jobs guys.. i there allready a pub server running?
yey! great job!
nice job man,grats :))
Question: What if this map was to be used on something like Nexus server where you get at least 15-20 on allies. Do they all spawn on the beach???
since it's adapted for comp and not for public that won't be a problem
And because it's 'intended' for competition usage you'd expect people to only play it in matches?
Look at any sw_ map made, they're on every public server around, plenty with over 20 players a pop.
Battery has improved drastically thanks to the likes of eiM and others helping out, so more and more public servers would want to use it. But check eiM's reply to my post, he'll be sorting spawn :)
mhh there are like 10 spawns outside water... i removed ALL spawns inside the water so IF there are too much players (what also happened in old battery sometimes) they will spawn @ other beachside but also outside of the water :) np then... but i will add some more spawns everywhere to be sure in next version
The door on the beach is ridiculous
WoW, very nice work ^^ keep up working on it and take as the nest map, railgun :)
what's the password for the test server?
this screenshot is ag0ns one.
true but he has np :p
" standard config :D sry for that "
he meant the screenshots, you meant the banner.
Uhh, yea, didnt notice these screenshots, sorry for being an ass :<.
Nice, Battery in competition is really exciting, this version should do wonder for this map in competition.
mate that just sucks. keep it original !

edit: even if i came all negative im still happy someone is working the old maps
You suck ! :o)

It's better to see the map slightly changed so it attracts a bigger crowd, than keeping it in it's original way and not playing it at all.
Give axis the mines back, so they can use one switcher. Defending 3:3 or 4:2 if allies rush heavily at main.
Deleting all the interior like mgs and railings is kinda ruining the map.
imo should have just made some areas mineable, like on grush, 'deep/softsand areas - theres config limits now and I dont think were before, it use to be 8?
good work eIM <3 enjoy on holiday :)
Nice, keep up the good work :)
removing the railings on the stairs sucks, especially since there's still railings on the stairs by the bunker controls... remove them all so it looks the same or leave them as they were
thats actually a point.
they are different railings. besides there is enough room to move at bunker controls. those railings are a must, yet the others were kinda useless.
ofc its not something essential, but it makes the map look better if it at least sticks to one style/idea, and i meant the stairs at gun controls if you were thinking of somewhere else, dunno why i said bunker
oh, I thought you meant the railing on the gun controls (which you need to jump over to get the plant.
I agree, they should be removed too.
nice, the Anti Arty roof looked really awful
it starts to look pretty decent
although I don't like that you took those railings off
Looks nice
I rly love it the way it is right now! But it could be one change, the coridor in main bunker (the new bunker doo coridorr) should be wider and the door shuold be a double door imo
with no railings i'm going to fall off the stairs for sure!
Get walking stick
image: walking_stick

and what am I supposed to do with those?
OMG no :<

[ 08:41:29 ] [ +`wad-ag0nator ] ahah :D nah, sorry
[ 08:41:51 ] [ +`wad-ag0nator ] my movie cfg is _mine_ till i release atleast my current movie, and maybe another one
*cough* Did you ever release a full movie? Your cfg will proly be released around similar time to DNF then ;D *cough*

dont consider it offensive, i liked your test clips [colours <3] :D
That DNF joke is actually old because i already said that about me! :D Well i released a full movie in the past... (almost 2 years ago). From my current movie i can just say that the footage is recorded. Only need to edit :z
Whois starring in thiiiis?
And, is it liek FULL HD?!??!?! [screens reso]

[and, plz, dont go klejf-style aka WOAH-SO-MANNEH-EFECTZ-HERE-IN-VEGAZ-OMGOAT!]
My style is completely diferent to klejf style, specially because we have some very diferent music tastes :\ My 1st movie was starring QkR from team portugal (search somewhere for QkR - The terrible). The screens are like full hd but with a 16:10 resolution :) My new movie was recorded with this resolution
16:10 > 16:9 imo ...

and if qkR had only one major movie, i remember it.... it was one of the first movies which lagged my old pc back then [ xD ] - this killing resolution of 1024x768 eh....

Some trance-techno styled music should be expected ?
yes... Trickjump + techno/trance = win imo :D It makes a nice mood, eventhough the music that im using isnt that awesome.. but its decent. QkR movie lagged my pc also because i didnt realise 2 years ago that i could use some powerfull decoders instead of vlc xDDDD I use a strange res at his movie 978x624 or smth :x

Bug or some railings?
They gonna be fixed next beta or final version. Already noticed :>
5 years to do this ?

Nice ;/
I found a bug in sw_battery_b2

At the bunker (near flag) is a invisible grid
well last phase of map need little changes to make some more places to camp/attack
replace the sea with lava and put DRAGONS there!!!!!!111
make door near the flag (you can open them with button, where was in b1 ladder) blowable by dyno. and if allies destroy them, they have flag secured.
The last phase must be really boring for allies - being spammed to death near the axis spawn. How about moving the allied back spawn closer to the CP so that the backpath is a viable option for attacking as well?
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