ESL clear up Promod controversy

SK-Gaming this week released a newspost this week stating that 'ESL demands halt promod progress' with regards to the development of Call of Duty 4 competition mod, Promod. However the post has sparked controversy in the community both for those who believed the post and those at ESL who were bemused by the story. To clarify the stories legitimacy TheRogue, Head Admin of the ESL has given Crossfire this statement;

Quote by TheRogueAs the article says, CoD4 admins from the ESL have been talking to the promod developer to give our input as we are of course interested in using the mod in our competitions. According to one of our senior CoD4 admins who have been involved in the talks, we have however not demanded a halt to the mod's progress, or demanded C4, claymores or the grenade launcher be reintroduced nor would we boycott the mod. We have asked for the ability to add our own rule files (i.e. for other gametypes), but we understand the primary goal of the mod is to be ready for the upcoming LANs. We believe the discussions so far have been good and look forward to being able to the use the mod in our competitions. Of course at the end of the day, it is up to the community what mod or rules are used.

So with some light coming through the dark the same eager anticipation remains about the mods release. The mod promises more features than the CoD series has seen before and is widely expected to be adopted for most major events.
Even though i'm not much into CoD4 and judging by what i've seen, looks great.
not sure why but i haven't liked the feel of promod, ak felt over powered towards long range and such but still thats just me, would like to see what they come out with at the end and + 1 on the knife changes ;D.
What are the knife changes? :o
felt like there wasn't the auto aim with it on promod (lunge ish thing)
but i actually do prefer PAM mod :(
Damn, I rely on the auto aim for knife :< Camp at a corner or door and wait for people to run past :>
:'( but your ubzer skilled Splodge, don't go ruining my dream
I still prefer PAM atm
how is it possible to prefer pam... WTF
Beats me... promod feels so much better than pam :)
and hitboxes are better i readed :)
xfire serious business
and Clanbase will still use the PAM-mod? orrrrrrr wut?
Really hope so, since promod > PAM.
Now I hope that CB does the same and take in promod also.
If you randomly spray around and not try to actually aim at him there might be a chance!
it already is possible tbh :p I managed to get 2 at a time while they were jumping!
as urtier said it's about the spraying..
leagues should get the promod in as soon as its ready for it, otherwise the game will stay as random as it is right now.
who cares
promode it's not main problem, stupid CB admins, who even havent saw cod4 - that's a big problem
_evan strikes again
raf strikes again.
I heard you on Eurosport 2 Thursday =) gj
Makes miniak even stronger :(
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