Xfire KOTH nearly ready

ET might be getting on somewhat, it is infact 3 years old this month. Some have proclaimed it dead, others have worked tirelessly to ensure the game is played long after the Quakers have gone to bed. Here's some things which you might not have noticed having happened while the frags have been mounting up: Greece won the European football championships, John Prescott didn't pay his council tax and bird flu has failed to seize hold of England. And, ladies and gents, there's been something else amiss in this world of ours, that is, until now.

Have you ever wondered about the lack of highskilled-only competition in ET? Sure we have the EuroCup, but that only comes round once in a while, and other cups whether indepdendant or in collaboration with Clanbase and other such organisations always have a few lower skilled teams in the mix to spoil the pro's fun. Wouldn't it be nice to have a realistic system of determining just who exactly is the best clan in ET? Sure it would, and that's why Crossfire is doing it.

Doing what? KOTH is what, which means Xfire King Of The Hill is coming to a screen near you! The format is a familiar one, but let me just clarify. The first game will be organised by the management and the winner be named as the "running leader", essentially the "king" of the hill. As a reward, the clan will be featured right on Crossfire, in a method soon to be revealed. This will generate an enormous amount of attention and publicity for the clan, as well as the "prize" of being known as the "best". A selected number of clans on a pre-made list are free to challenge for the top spot, with challenges always being accepted pending the date, and challenge games taking place once a week. The finer details, such as who gets priority, match formats and configs, etc, can all be found in a post to be made shortly.

Of course, whilst this is in the interests of the clans themselves, one of the primary goals is to involve the community as much as is possible. Each game will have ETTV, as well as match reports and clan features, which each clan having individual information pages for you to browse at will. This brings me on to the first game.

This game is being rearranged for strategic reasons. All infos you need will be posted on xfire and GamesTV - stay tuned!

However, none of this would be possible without some changes and additions to the site software. While it might not be able to be called Xfire 3, our beloved queen bee Belgium raza has been hard at work coding the new sections of the site. And, because we love you and TosspoT is safely hidden away in the land of blondes and born pros, I thought it'd be nice to share a preview with you ordinary plebs! Take a look:
Quote[/i][*] Expanded clan information box
[*] Match summary and coverage page
This is only a taster, and it is important to remember not all the honey has been collected yet. Strange bee metaphors behind, the coding is nearly all finished, and when actual content is added to the system we shall see how impressive it can really be. As mentioned, this KOTH is only opened for ET's best at current, but there are plans to expand into other skill departments depending on sucess. Read more to see the 32 clans invited to take part:

Clans: (preliminary - subject to change)

Quote[/i]Germany Team-Beta
Estonia Idle.ee
Estonia Kujuneb
Estonia sYnc
Finland cdap -#stfu?
Finland Negative Image
Croatia elite
Hungary underscore
Israel eVolution
Israel eSrael
Italy Vagrants
Netherlands Artificial
Poland The Syndicate FBI Team
Poland Fear Factory ATI
Poland PrIde
Portugal SixthSense
Russia Tank Thirty Four
Spain Azure Fate
Sweden Noll8
United Kingdom Clan SoF
Benelux XtraZone
Europe Rewind
Europe Highbot
Europe Kojak.et
Europe Remedium
Europe Team-Helix
Europe 141
Europe Demiurge
Europe uQ
Europe vicious&evil
Europe Overload

The management will decide who moves in and out of this "division". Clans who split will be removed, and be replaced with those who are deemed good enough.
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