Live2Win and Multiplay Elite on QuadV

Tonight its the return of Live2Win Playoffs followed by Multiplay Elite Consilation Finals.

Live2Win LB R3 - 21:30CET 16th July - KomaCrew vs Ocrana - Crossfire

Netherlands KomaCrew will be favourites tonight on what appears to be their best map. They recently played in the finals of the ESL June Summer Cup against Germany Speed-Link in a very close match which they eventually lost on Backlot despite winning the first map on Crossfire.

Germany Ocrana are up against it tonight but have started to clock up a few good results lately. Granted I still don't think they can win but with a victory over Netherlands Sample This (13-10) already who knows?

Multiplay Elite Consilation Final - 22:00CET 16th July - Sample This vs Veritas

Netherlands Sample This should have won the WB Final. They were leading 6-4 let it slip to 6-6, then lead 8-6 and let it slip again losing 13-9. Assuming Netherlands Kajsk1ng is still on holiday Netherlands ownR will no doubt be the stand in replacement once again. With Backlot being the map tonight that may actually work to their advantage as a rusher is sometimes better than a sniper.

United Kingdom Veritas managed to blitz 13-1 in the last round and will be hoping for a free entry to I34. I will admit I don't know the team that well and will be looking to see them try and match Sample This tonight.

You can watch it all live on QuadV TV1 with Deman & Kee_RinG.

Related Links
- QuadV Call of Duty Videos
- Live2Win Playoffs
- Multiplay Elite Tournament
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