ESL America online

As presented already with the official announcement of the ESL Extreme Masters 3, Europe’s biggest and most important gaming league will cross the Atlantic and open its doors for the American and Canadian players. After entering the Asian eSport market with ESL Asia in early 2007, Turtle Entertainment and the ESL make another big step and offer now leagues in the three most important continents. At the beginning ESL America provides cups and ladders in three different games: Counter-Strike, World of Warcraft and Bomberman Online.

With ESL Europe, ESL America and ESL Asia the ESL has a perfect basis for its tournaments headed by the Intel Extreme Masters. The third edition of the global challenge for Counter-Strike and World of Warcraft will be one of the be the biggest eSport shows and competitions in history featuring a total prize purse of 750,000USD and ten major events in the USA, Asia and Europe.

Because the United States did not have an ESL Pro Series or similar competition yet, the representatives of North America for the EM Finals at CeBIT 2009 will be determined by different cups and tournaments. All qualification details for Europe and the USA can be found in the official ESL news post.

While the USA entered today the global network of the ESL, the next countries are already in sight. ESNation, the company behind myMYM or the ESL Pro Series in Denmark, will become the partner for Sweden and Norway and will host a Pro Series and all the structure behind it from 2009 on.

ESL America
ESL Extreme Masters
*THUMBS UP* good step

Quotewill be one of the
Bomberman Online? :D:D:DDDDD

wtf is this shit?
we need ET =D
nice one :>
Man könnte meinen, das Design hätte sich seit mindestens 10 Jahren nicht geändert.
lold @ bomberman online
i am PRo @ Bomberman
lets play :D
I admire the ESL's growth and their achievements, but their website is still god damned awful.
the version before wasnt as bad as the new one
anyways if you are premium member u can switch between differents themes ( included the old one ) !!!
still better than cb!!!
Intersting, but terrible games.
bomberman online xDDDD
i am prO in this !
as i said above, lets play tomorrow :P gn8
good luck to the guys across the pond
750000 dollars... oke :D
funny that they pick bomberman online as one of their first games in america
yes really funny
The person who decided to make WoW a competition game should be shot.
means that the old skin is not available any more


means that there is no other skin to select in your personal options


means that you can not switch between different skins as you could before

got it?
bomberman online really rocks! :D
right mike/whiskey? XDD
hope bomberman won't by an epic failure
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