ASUS Picks CoD4

The Asus Summer Open has chosen Call of Duty 4 for its Summer tournament, the tournament has chosen the 5on5 shooter over its traditional Quake 3 tournament selection according to Swedish source Rakaka.

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The tournament has put up 75,000 Rubles (approx 2,000 Euro), which puts it alongside its other secondary tournaments such as TF2 and Starcraft. The main focus as always will be the CounterStrike Pro tournament which has 375,000 Rubles (10,000 Euro).
Very good move in russia, maybe they finally will move over counter strike domination, however, removing q3 is :'(
I cant see anything stopping CS in Russia for a while, theres a new televised $300k tournament upcoming.
i didnt mean it like that to be stopped, but to give a chance to new games
and 300k$ for ukrainian teams is $$$ :D
300000$? OMFG im gonne buy cs;o
ESWC has probably $100k in CS, CGS has a total $1 million pot of which half of each team is CS, so $500k is awarded to CS players. WCG has bit money, ESL has six figures. But actually lots of the top players make more from Poker than they do gaming (as they're v. good at poker)
is there any specific reason former or actual gamers are that good at poker?
lots of theories, discipline, mental attributes, concentration, etc etc - did you read the article with kotkis?
the guy who almost made 1 million? yeah I did, was quite interesting. almost started playing myself :P but I'm actually wondering if gaming (especially fps) makes you that much "better" than other poker players.
poker is 70% luck "inbe4 pokerwnbs flame incoming" why the heck should FPShooter experience give you an advantage ?
if any advantage is gained it won't be through the fps element of fps games... an rts gamer for instance would in theory have a much larger advantage
in russia poker isnt popular at all, nobody i asked knows the rules, i dont neither D:
so we play CS! :D
if money is the only thing in the world that motivates you and don't mind being bored 8 hours a day watching your ICM software play poker for you then sure, "play" all the poker you want

I actually find it sickening that something less skilled than WoW has more money in it than something like Chess.

I hate majority rule, especially when the majority are for lack of a better term peons
i can maybe host cs 1,6 server on our free ftp!!!! lets get rich
ZOMG KIEWAN:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D haha;ddd maar de serve ris down?;<
Doesn't that same league have a $ 300k CS:S competition as well?
not that i know of?
I think the css tournament had like 85k or smth :-)
So much support for cod4 ! good stuff
no q3 :<
They always have Q3, it will be there trust me.
i sure hope so
cs is so fucking overrated, retard game omfg
why is it retarded?
well, I'm sick of all the hype. And I don't like the idea that you just shoot 1 bullet boom and then wait for 5 min for round to end. I have tried it only once, and this is just my opinion but its wee overrated
real expert talking
CS1.6 is by far the best (fps) game ever. balancing, netcode etc. almost perfect, the concept of the game is so plain and simple that even the most retarded 10yo boy can understand and follow it (plant a bomb and dont let the enemy defuse for 35 sec and you've won; resp. dont let the enemy plant the bomb - and if it is planted, defuse it! wuha, game explained :D).
that's why CS1.6 will never be returned from #1 of the first person shooter list according to tournaments/competetive esports. at least not by a non cs-game (there were some ventures to remove the original CS1.6, e.g. with the "CS:S Promod", but the developers failed entirely).

have a nice day.
"CS1.6 is by far the best (fps) game ever." :XD!!!!!!
oh wait

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

I can understand you.
The overall prize money for Counterstrike 1.6 in the past 2 years was something around 2 million US-$.
How much was it for Enemy Territory? Probably between 3 and 6% of the 1.6 money?!

Now guess why, dickhead!
money=best game ever

the 'better' a game is, the more spectators it will have.
the more spectators a game has, the more sponsors you can get.
the more sponsors you have, the more money you can give.

so there is a simple relation between how good a game is and the prize money available.

easy, isnt it?

ps. my interpreataion of "good" (in this case) is how appropriate a multiplayer game is for esports.
but unfortunately that logic then means wow is good :(
you mean because it slowly finds its way into esports?!

well, i dont like it either. but millions of (nerdy) people are playing it :>
guess it's a matter of taste.
so you agree that by your argument, wow is one of the best games out there, you just (wrongly) don't like it?
there is obviously something which a lot of people like about this game. dunno what, but else it wouldnt be played that much.

and yes, i don't like it. but not "wrongly", i just don't like non-fps games (in multiplayer).
weird that you don't like the best game on the PC :P
never said it wuld be "the best game on the PC"... and i never will. -_-

no wait - i have a vision right now - i see.... i see WoW becoming the #1 game evah and... and every1 likes it. yeah, it's nice!

Turn on the sarcasm detector when talking to Fusen :P. You don't like WOW but you flame those who say that CS sux even though following your logic they are both good games.
i don't flame "those who say that CS sux". if you don't like a certain game... well, good for you. i really don't care about what you like and what not - i don't give the slightest shit!

the initial point was that Finland Kaide said CS was overrated and retarded and stuff.
whereon i explained him why CS is the most popular game in europe nowadys (why so many people like it).

ps. there is a difference between "i don't like...." and "omfg this retard shit suxx so much...". do you take my point?
try reading back from the start before someone calls you a retard, woeps i already did
image: da590f9c

sry bro, i feel wasted. my brain is..... dont get what you want.
Guess is not needed. The reason is very simple. I don't know the realse date of CS but i guess somehow in 1999 or 2000. When it has been relased it was a quite good game for those games which have been also relased in those years. The graphic and stuff. And you needed to buy to play. If ET would not be free, a lot more player would play it, and would be a lot more sponsors and multigamings and more developer could do things with this game, which means more prize @ LANS and ofc alot more LANs.
Somehow the CS feels realistic, but it isn't at all. Check how the grenade falls, and the hitboxes are even worser than in ET, and not a teamplay based game.
Now lets take a guess. "Dickhead"
"I don't know the realse date of CS but i guess somehow in 1999 or 2000"
--> yeah, the very first version of CS was released in 1999.

"If ET would not be free, a lot more player would play it, and would be a lot more sponsors and multigamings and more developer could do things with this game, which means more prize @ LANS and ofc alot more LANs.."
1. If... if if if if ifififififi. in germany we say "hätte hätte fahrradkette...". :p
2. anyways, i dont get why a game should be more successfull if it wasnt available for free?!
i mean, isn't it an advantage when everyone can download a full game and test it (that's why developers release a demo version of a game before releasing the full version, right?).

"and the hitboxes are even worser than in ET"
i don't know the hitboxes in ET, but when your CS is configured correctly and you play on a decent server, the CS-hitboxes are very nice. and don't try to be a smartass in that point - i am playing CS for several years now and i know what i am talking about (aside from that, blaming hitboxes for your own failure is somehow lame :p).

"and not a teamplay based game."
that's a joke, right? when you play CS in 5on5 it is more about tactics and teamplay than about individual skill.
i don't say that there are no games out there which are more based on teamplay, but claiming CS was not about teamplay, then you have absolutely no idea about what makes the difference between the very good and the outstanding teams (i am talking about a very high level now!).
there are of course situations where the skill of one single player can decide about winning or losing a round. but that's what makes CS so fascinating (for me).
when i think back in ET:QW or Battlefield 1942/2 you couldn't take out more than 3 players in a row for different reasons (assumed you are on the same skill level and your enemies have more than just a few hp left... at least it was very unlikely that you were able to kill 4 or even more in a row).
but in CS you can take out a whole team which has 100%hp left (with a bit of luck and indeed lots of aiming).

the only thing i don't like about CS is, that there are just 4 or 5 maps which are used for competitive playing (there are of course a few more, but most of them aren't very well liked and thus not in the map pool of the most cups/tournaments/leagues e.g. voted out by the teams ). i'd like to have a bit variety concerning that... but honestly, who cares about how grenades fly? O.o :>

conclusion: your opinion is "ET >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CS" and mine is quite the opposite... and i guess we won't change each others opinion with our argumentation --> what we are doing here is senseless b...shit.

have a nice day my dear friend.
Have you ever seen an ET match so far ? I mean from the highes level. If not and going, to see u won't get the game I'm sure. But I can promise you that u'll see 15 times more teamplay than in CS. In CS you can't revive, no medpacks, and no, spawntime guess what.
I played CS for 3(?) months. Well it's not a long time, but I got the basic, Played some 5on5's and I can say one thing needed in CS; the skill. If your team has got a very good aimer the match is almost yours.
And just for a bit more info I'm playing ET since 3 years right now, and I can tell you that in other games the players which has some Enemy Territory past(minumum 1 year imo) are better than others. I could start COD & CS @ low+/mid level.
But it's just my opinion!

i know that you need much more teamplay to succeed in ET:QW than you need in CS. and i can imagine that this also applies for the normal ET.

you know, i don't like playing all on my own. that's why i don't play fps games like quake or UT. i prefer playing in a team, having nice mates to talk to on voice, thinking about tactics, arguing while playing (:p) and all this stuff.

but as i can tell from ET:QW, too much teamplay based games are very hard for new teams to become good. even if you put a lot of randomly chosen (skilled) players together, they will fail against a team which has not that good individuals but a great teamspirt because every objective needs different styles to play (classes, positions etc etc.) while in CS your job is always the same.
and as you said, in CS one good individual can push a whole team with his skill.

there might be ppl who would say it sucks (e.g. you?!). but i guess i like that. matter of taste...
QuoteCS1.6 is by far the best (fps) game ever. balancing, netcode etc. almost perfect, the concept of the game is so plain and simple that even the most retarded 10yo boy can understand and follow it

image: cpma150

hello there, names cpma, nice to meet you
going to visit it :P
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