Xfire Returns!

If you're reading this then you know that X to the dot B E is back!

The site has been down for over a week, and the response has been phenominal. On iRC the messages have flooded in about the downtime of xfire and how much the community has missed it. The age old saying of you dont know what you've got until its gone, is as true today as it ever was.
I hope that a lesson has been learnt from it all. Xfire may not be perfect, and many admins on other sites throughout xfires history have loved to take a cheap shot at us. But you can stuff your insults where the sun dont shine, as you cannot replace Xfire no matter how hard you may try.

However let me be perfectly clear. Xfire will not die, Xfire will not fold, Xfire has taken on every competitor since it started and will continue to do so.
What I've learnt very quickly is that you can build the perfect site, but you cannot buy a community. It is the xfire community that makes this place special, for that we thank you and look forward to getting xfire back to normal!


In other news - Reigistration is closed and Images Disabled for the time being :o)
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