ETQWPro 0.6

A few minutes ago I published the 0.6 Version of ETQWPro Mod.

This Mod merges Splashdamage's Competition Mod and the old version of ETQWPro.

The main goals were to keep vanilla commands and Competition Commands working. So all your Scripts from vanilla or compmod should also work in ETQWPro 0.6.
Also user experience was a high priority, so you will now get feedback on error messages and so on.

0.6 is also supporting its very own ranked server system. More Information on this will made public soon.

No more words from me, be sure to check the changelog here and the complete Cvar list here

Windows server admins: Be sure to check the changelog. There is some info about Windows server binaries

I do suggest using the installer, since it cleans up your system from any old ETQWPro binaries!

Installer: download
Zip: download
are there any actual competition left in etqw?
Not really much, but there is still left something from competition :)
We are competeing in three cups and two ladders at the moment
ye we played in three cups but they eliminated us in 4v4 :(
yes - at least until rtcw2 comes out :)
thanks man, you're doing a great job there, hope you will do that on rtcw² too. ;)
i would be intrested in doing it! Lets see if i get the chance
coffee, brb
Rock and Roll!
do you play etqw? then we have to make some mixwar:D
I don't but it's nice to see some development in a game that everybody hates just because it's not ET like. I don't think it's that bad to deserve so much bullshit :).
I'm in US now maybe I'll install it when I'll be back to ro an we play then :D.
good news, i might be making a comeback in etqw very soon!
any team left?
all that effort for nothing?
For nothing? Im playing in three cups and two ladders in the summer time, thats really nothing.
Cups and leagues with 10 teams maximum?

24 Teams in 6v6 Summer Cup & 32 teams in 4v4 Summer cup
why do you make people download an extra file simply to implement it with a useless mod?

nobody playing vanilla or compmod would know what a script is anyway ;)
i didnt understand one word
ok, well thankyou for making ETQW playable anyways (Y)
good job ! now you guys only need some players.
Nice to see ETQWPro mod developing so rapidly! <3

*Gives a glass of juice to Hannes*

Does ETQWPro dev team have already any plans for next promod version?
Good job! Finally!
NOW all drop ET and start playing ETQW plz! You need to get ready for RTCW2 afterall, you know, same engine + jetpacks and stuff...
installing etqw.. I played it last time when the game got out :-D

need high fps configs.
do not make the mistake and play vanilla publics... go to #qwl.gather and play some propub or gather !
Sometimes don't you just want to rape noobs?
sure, but i think he wants to experience etqwpro some ;)
Yea I kinda missed that bit, we must think of a way of getting more people involved. I can see many people taking the game on if they played a few days with the new promod.
kipster, so you want to get raped ?
Kipster loves a bit of man love every once in a while... don't ya sweet cheeks ;)
Hey Ya Nextor baby playing etqw withn some high skilled Aus clans?
qw will never work untill there are ALL those fucking vehicles and maps so big to keep all those fucking vehicles

understand it
its working fine for 24 teams in 6v6 cup and 32 teams in 4v4 cup. its mostly clean from cheaters and has a good comp mod with plenty of support. i would say its working.
some teams are gone, some teams are new, so there is still almost the same number of teams. maybe it's better, no "heroes from nowhere" (cheaters), and you can know level of another clans
w0o0o0ooooOOOOoooOOooW 24 teams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pratically same teams of rtcw after 5 years :asd:

PS: I used to play qw since the gold. I am the first to say that the game is undervalued BUT also i am the first to say that the game is not born for 6on6.
It born for publics 12on12. People don't get this point.

The only maps 6on6 i can see are volcano and salvage. Rest is shit.

It works fine for 6on6, thats why the use of deployables come into play to fill the gaps of people. I was worried about playing 6on6 in etqw I had no idea what to do about tacs etc, but as time went on we learn allot. Its alsmot impossible to win a Tank map without deployables. I understand what your saying all we need is a few more maps that are like Volcano and Salvage.

24 teams is not bad considering its 1.Summer time and 2.The community is small, but we need to make it grow more, it has been growing over the last few months. But we need to contiue the growth to make it worth while playing.

Maybe a team needs to be setup, to think of ideas on how to take the game forward? Get someone people togther to share there views etc. I know there are keen mappers out there and allot of people who play the game and would like it to grow. The only people who can take it forward are the players, we have got great support and help from the modders etc
sorry i dont agree.

no cheaters cause the attention is not on this game.

And about the vehicles, deployables or not, they are too many (almost 1 for each player... ridicolous)

And where are those maps like volcano and salvage? they will never come cause this game was already killed by its creators & Activision.

Im determind to prove you and the rest of the etqw critics wrong
You cant really whine about vehicals due to the recent pro mod. Where the tank and heavy vehicals are still there and 1 may only be used at a time and when its destroyed you have a time limit to when you can use it again.

Also the heavy vehicals are quite easy to take down, be it with 1 cov and a rocket or just 1 fop with his arti. Granted an experianced tanker will be a pain in the ass but if a team pulls together and begins to focus on the vehicals you will rape em.

So you can have only 1 heavy ( cyclops, desicrator and tank ) 1 meduim ( Trojan and hog ) in play at any time. Sure you can have unlimitied amridillos, icy's and huskys but they are light vehicals for a reason.

Granted the game wasnt to great back in beta days or when it was first released but alot has changed since the pro mod has been released i suggest anyone who has the game install it again maybe watch some ETQW tv or just give some pro pub server a try and see what you think now.

you can always join #qwl.gather and type !propub to see the pro pub servers and how many players are there.
oh my dayz ... most I've ever seen Vexx type!
Normally he prefers to call you at 3.00am and talk weird nonsense :S
Quote by mtvmAnd about the vehicles, deployables or not, they are too many (almost 1 for each player... ridicolous)

lol that means you didn't play scrims/matches but only publics, not even on promod. You have only 1 anti-personnel/1 anti-vehicle/1 anti-artillery/1 artillery, but to have any of these you must have engineer in team. one engi=one deployable, so if u wanna have all turrets and shit you would have 3 engis, 1 fdop, but it isn't needed on maps. and always you must have ppl which will fight in closed areas (medics), 6 mines at team only also, so there isn't much spam if you have smart tactics, perhaps you're a counter-strike player?
EMS qualifications (et:qw - 2007)
At ESL 1 day cup (et:qw - 2007)
At ESL AMATEUR SERIES (et:qw 2008)
At TGM cup (et:qw - 2008)

PLus 4-5 4on4 cups all with position

enuf answer?

this game is shit with all those vehicles :)

no, it isn't enough. in gsl you're playing 5v5 that sux, and in esl you have 4v4 with mines, and drones that suck too. and now you have fast volcano, and salv in 4v4, more restrictions etc.
Saddly wont work I'm trying to make comp maps but no one willing to help that much in development of the maps thats why Meltdown was big can of fail when released, Maridia my next map maybe work out better as learned from mistakes but still not enough clan testing is happening cause none will spare the time to help.

I agree with what you propose but yeah can't see it happening.
Our clan will test any map you make, I can easily get a few other teams to test maps to. Anything else you need help with? Maridia will this be an Infantry Map or a tank map? Or a bit of both!?

We have a very good Mod support, its just getting the players off there arses. I don't want the work of Mod and map makers to be done in vain. Since quiting ET I really love playing etqw.

I do see more and more teams searchinng for wars on IRC just look at Hosted Summer cup for 6v6 and 4on4. 24 teams in 6v6 cup and 32 in 4v4 cup! Its summer time yet people are still willing to play. There are allot of low skilled teams out there which will make up the future of the game!
Nice one, when posted on community forums only got a few replies so assumed no one was interested. Anyway you on IRC at all, can speak more there.
dude i used to play it since 2 months ago
i know promod and i played it

still qw is not for 6on6

too vehicle spam

these are my 2 cents
VAE im sure will be more than happy to help whenever we can!
(after emotional blackmail/speech on vent by Jeebs & Vexx)

agreed, VAE will set aside a few days when we don't have officials/pcws scheduled to aid in testing. Speak to me on this Chris and I will get in put down on our calendar.
Thats two teams already!
dude i used to play it since 2 months ago
i know promod and i played it

still qw is not for 6on6

too vehicle spam

these are my 2 cents
Replied to wrong person or?
Can I join your ETQWPro is awesome clan?

You look kinda lonely!
i want to be alone in there! <3
I guess your clan couldnt drive vehicles or had a bad tanker. And u just got raped by clans that can use vehicles properly.
how to disable the name over the players head in spec mode ?
etqw is dead...
nice work, will start playing etqw again after my holiday :)
tried reinstalling ET:QW last nite.. such a fuckin hassle to even join a server.
Ye, ET is very easy..
install the patches, download etpro, join server.

Even when you finally download all the shit in quake wars it comes up with bullshit error msgs that you cant join the server, even on several different servers, annoying.
in etqw its the same -.-
install the patches, download etQWpro, join server.
thats easy -.-
no it's not, as i said I get stupid error messages from every server I try to join can't even remember what they are now.. but yea.
Than you did something wrong. Dont blame the game blame yourself. BTW in ET its not that easy than ETQW updating.
not rly.. how could I do something wrong lol?
Tell me how did you install it?
omg put your disk into drive :DD install the game, then you have to update it to 1.5 version, one way is to download the patch by browser and install it then, or download the patch by game, and install it from my documents/id software, when you installed patch then you're downloading etqwpro and unpacking it to your installation directory so in installation directory you will have "etqwpro" folder its easy zomg mayb eyou dont have original game ];->
Iv done all that, Im talking about the stupid errors when you try to join a server, im not talking about how to install the fucking game, Iv had it install 2 times already before, I could probably get it working my point is the amount of effort it takes.
it is exactly the same procedur like in ET. Dont blame the software if its you that fails. And like in ET at the beginning, there are many servers running diffrent versions of mods. So you should be sure whats running on the server b4 connecting...
people always talking about ET like it was ever that perfet game,
forgotten those plenty of updates in the promod where everybody
was bothered about just reading the changelog ;o
try to play ET 1.0 ppl please ;)
nothing got to do with me failing, I have the game installed, patches installed, promod installed and was joining promod servers. I read on the ETQW fourms ages ago that this was happening to a lot of people so no fail on me sorry.
jap so the 300 ppl (only on the ranked servers in the last 3 days) must cheat hack and whatever that they can join the server?

Makes great sense! But yeah you must be right!
wtf are you on about you fuckin ejjit.
Have you got xfire? if so Add me kipster101 I will try and help you out after our officials tonight
Ill give it another go later on ;>
Where are you copying the etpro files to? My docs> ID software etc?
if yes = FAIL
Works for me and zenix
Connection to online services lost. every few minutes!
`oh no! try google but Im sure its either a router or isp problem

tried etqw and stuff, doesnt work

tried new nvidia drivers and still it says the VGA and/or current drivers aren't supported :/

(8800GT, 175.19 or smth, just the latest)

edit; wth it works
etqw doesnt "allow" any modified or tweaked drivers. Actually any driver from + a gfx card supporting ARB should be ok.
great news guys. tetris promod is out.
hm, i guess i have to reinstall it - and try some rounds
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