AEF Fallout goes nuclear

The dust has barely settled on Pandemic's huge win in the Antwerp eSports Festival and already the Call of Duty scene is rife with transfer activity and in Germany its bad news for the biggest name in the game.

SK Gaming have dropped their Call of Duty squad after a disappointing performance this past weekend. Finishing outside the prizes and having not shown the same performance levels since joining SK the former Six Devils roster now find themselves homeless and with the likelihood of some teams being out on the poach in coming weeks, the side could cease to exist.

Speedlink have disbanded after a fruitless LAN event once more, the side were not popular amongst other players at AEF after their match conflict against SP Gaming, claiming the Greeks were using the screen to their advantage. However more importantly for the Germans they have returned from another LAN without any major progress and Trigger chosing to move on.

At the moment neither stories have sources but will be updated when they're available. The rumour mill isnt done there though with heavy stories questioning the future of both MYM and KomaCrew, though those remain rumours at least until after The Experience this weekend!

In other AEF Coverage news, QuadV has the VODs uploaded at Atarax has unearthed this feature from Belgian national Television - Other coverage including an indepth gallery on TEK9
SK-Gaming were so good online :[
but they were one of the friendliest teams ever :/

btw maybe this means the end for evan :x
"btw maybe this means the end for evan :x"

Not likely, not sure if SK is going to take on another squad but bds gets back this Thursday and I'm going to see if I can get a pay rise ;D

"the side could cease to exist"

They've recruited kammYz so I doubt they're going to fold ;)
With Pandemic picking up first place it proves that cod4 is still fresh and able to change which is great to see, so you might be able to see some more promising teams come out of this who knows :]

+ nice Tv feature :x
You got a bright career ahead idd
nor rly its just a lotto game
Did you even watch the tourney - wasn't really lotto, especially not the final.
the game itself is lotto
OK, I'll try a new angle. Can you think of any professional sport with spectator interest that isn't "lotto" (Because I can't)? Lotto is what makes sport worth watching.
agree on that but the amount of lotto in COD4 is huge. no 1 team will ever be able to be n1 long + there will never be a superstar player and this will kill z game/sponsoring after activision has stoped pomping money into it
online only!
kinda expected for SK but slightly suprising about speedlink
What a shite, wrote it as well. And saw your post just yet. -.-

Hate this world, will go off for now.

*Could you mix both news somehow?
don't be sad; remember the following:
Quote by Strunk and WhiteFortunately, the act of composition, or creation, disciplines the mind; writing is one way to go about thinking, and the practice and habit of writing not only drain the mind but supply it, too.
MYM is the next aka cod4 is dead
kc goez mtw
it's not about Fallout III :'(
Just lol at my serious face :P
Should have picked them up in CoD2 instead, SK can't expect to have major success by jumping into a new game and picking up a team which won some online cups or so.
SK was just too quick with picking an team up. They should have waited for an couple of LAN's, and see which teams preformed, and which teams didn't. T6D would be a great pickup, if the smg rule hadn't changed (or at least, that's what i think, mYm proves otherwise by just raging forward with AK-47's as well), so you can't blame T6D completely for being kicked out of SK

However, for SL my opinion is simple, their onliners. Either they can not adjust to lan, in terms of being too much used to Internet, but imo, they aren't clean. I know from own experience that your first lan will be wank, but your second will always be better, and i haven't seen an improvement in SL, all the while continueing(sp?) to do great Online. I've made up my mind about SL, and i think the side should just disband and go do what they want.

Want to wish SK gl with finding an new orga, and sl... meh.
Pretty much agree, although I'm not entirely sure if the SMG limit is really the problem people make it to be. They lost to pandemic and fnatic, hardly anything to be ashamed of.
SK (6devils) always seemed like a really nice team to me, so best of luck to them in the future. I hope SK (mgc) picks up another CoD4 team...
Quotethe side were not popular amongst other players at AEF after their match conflict against SP Gaming, claiming the Greeks were using the screen to their advantage.

Where can I read about that?
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